Frequently Asked Questions
Admissions and financial aid
I am thinking of being...a part time student, a full time student at K-State. Where do I start?
What is the first step to take to be admitted to K-State? Do I need ACT of SAT test scores?
Are my "old" college credits still good? Will they transfer to K-State?
Can non-traditional students qualify for financial aid? How much does it cost to take classes at K-State?
Special programs
No one in my family attended college. Are there programs for first-generation and/or low-income college students?
Can I just take a few classes and not work on a degree?
Where do I get information about on-campus child care?
What kind of help can I get from K-State to brush up on my academic skills?
How can I update or improve my computing skills for classes?
Can I earn a K-State degree while I work full-time?
I'm not sure what I want to be "when I grow up!" Where can I learn about career options?
Are there special options for those of us over 60?
Admissions and financial aid
Where do I start?
Start by calling, e-mailing, or setting an appointment with the Non-Traditional Student Services office for a good “one-stop-shopping” starting point. We can cover all of your initial questions related to admission, financial assistance, scholarships, finding an academic advisor, tuition and fees, academic assistance, campus resources, housing, and child care.
Another option that we like to recommend to non-traditional students is calling New Student Services for a half-day or full-day visit to the campus. On that visit you have the option to meet with the Office of Admissions, Office of Student Financial Assistance, an academic advisor(s), and Non-Traditional Student Services, in addition to taking a campus tour.
We are open for appointments 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and through the noon hour. If you need to make a later appointment we will try to accommodate your needs.
What is the first step to take to be admitted to K-State? Do I need ACT or SAT test scores?
Many find it helpful to have an initial conversation by phone, e-mail, or in person with a staff member in Non-Traditional Student Services. However, it is not required. The first step is to apply for admission. You can apply for both undergraduate and graduate admission online.
We encourage you to contact the admissions office to ensure that all your documents have been received for review (785-532-6250). When all your documents for admissions have been received they will be reviewed and a letter will be sent to you about your admissions status.
“Students who are 21 or older and have graduated from high school, or earned a GED score of 50 or higher, may be admitted to Kansas State University without meeting the required ACT score, high school rank, or high school GPA. Adult students will be required to have a cumulative college GPA of 2.0.” (K-State Catalog 2006-2008)
Are my “old” college credits still good? Will they transfer to K-State?
Your original college/technical school transcripts sent to the Office of Admissions will be evaluated. The status of your credit information will be available to you when you speak with your department academic advisor. If the Office of Admissions has incomplete information about a course on your transcript, it may delay making a decision on its transferability. You should also consult with your department academic advisor about this issue.
K-State does not have a “statute of limitations” on college credit. What transfers in sometimes depends on the program you are entering. Credits may not transfer if K-State does not have a comparable course in the university curriculum. You can appeal for a review of courses not transferred by contacting the Office of Admissions.
Can non-traditional students qualify for financial aid? How much does it cost to take classes at Kansas State University?
Yes, most adult student qualify for financial aid based on their family resources through FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Applications are available on the Office of Student Financial Assistance website at In addition, some of the university scholarships are listed on the Office of Student Financial Assistance website. Other local, state, and national scholarships and individual scholarship search assistance is available through Non-Traditional Student Services including planning a strategy for your scholarship search, planning a strategy for your scholarship essay, and reviewing your scholarship application packet.
Non-Traditional Student Services maintains a list of scholarships on this website. The office maintains scholarship notebooks which can be check out for 24 hours during the “scholarship season” October through May.
You can find current tuition and fee schedules at the Office of the Registrar website at The total amount of tuition and fees you will pay depends on the number of credit hours taken and the curriculum in which you are enrolled (i.e., College of Engineering, special fees).
Special programs
Are there programs for first-generation and/or low-income college students?
Educational Supportive Services assists eligible first-generation, low-income, and disabled Kansas State University students in earning their undergraduate degrees. Their commitment is to “provide services to help students improve class performance and find the necessary resources (academic, financial, career, etc.) on campus and in the community so that they graduate and achieve their life goals. All services are free to program participants."
Another helpful program for students entering higher education for the first time is the PILOTS program. “PILOTS is a cooperative, year-long program to provide structure, encourage academic discipline and critical reasoning, and to develop leadership potential for participating, entering freshmen.”
McNair Scholars Program is another program that assists first-generation and low-income students with furthering their education beyond the bachelor’s degree (master’s degree and Ph.D.). “The McNair Scholars Program is a comprehensive program structured to prepare undergraduates for successful careers as graduate students, professors, and professional researchers. This preparation is offered in the form of classes, colloquia, advising, tutoring, faculty mentoring, and the completion of a Summer Research Institute.”
Can I just take a few classes and not work on a degree?
Yes, K-State has a special student status just for you.
Learn about special and non-degree seeking options
Where do I go to get information about on-campus child care?
K-State has three on-campus child care centers that provide child development and care services to students, faculty, and staff families. These facilities provide care for children from 6 weeks to 12 years.
Early Childhood Education Center
Hoeflin Stone House Child Care Center
What kind of help can I get from K-State to brush up on my academic skills?
The Academic Assistance Center, 101 Holton Hall, offers a variety of courses and assistance including University Experience, Enhanced University Experience, tutorial assistance, math assistance, math review, PILOTS program, and the Academic Transitions Program.
Educational Supportive Services, 201 Holton Hall, offers a variety of academic and personal supportive services to eligible first generation and/or low income and disabled students. Support services include tutoring, academic planning, academic enrichment, and writing skills and study skills classes.
Counseling Services, at the English Counseling and Counseling Services Building, offers a variety of workshops, small groups, and individual sessions that can be helpful to enhance student academic performance including LEAP and Biofeedback.
Besides the free tutoring offered through the Academic Assistance Center and Educational Supportive Services, some departments offer tutoring in their specific academic areas (mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.) Check with the departmental office.
How can I update or improve my computing skills for classes?
At K-State, basic computer skills are required and some majors require more sophisticated computer use. There are several options beyond K-State courses offered through the Department of Computing and Information Sciences in the College of Engineering to obtain the skill levels you need.
UFM Community Learning Center, 1221 Thurston, offers both credit and noncredit courses, including courses related to beginning computer skills and software.
Computing and Network Services (CNS), 313 Hale Library, offers help with computing questions related to your personal computer and also computing from home or residence hall.
Can I earn a K-State degree while I work full-time?
There are many degree options that require daytime availability. However, you can work on a degree on a part-time basis because there are late afternoon, evening, and distance education classes you can take advantage of to pursue a degree. K-State has one degree offered entirely in the evening. You will want to check with the academic department you wish to enroll in about their particular options.
Community colleges in the area have articulation agreements with K-State enabling you to complete your first 60 hours (or associate degree) at a community college and finish your degree at K-State without losing credits and making a smooth and seamless transition into your chosen academic major. You could also work on your first 60 hours at a distance or complete your degree from K-State at a distance, or a combination of these options.
Explore your distance education opportunities
Non-Traditional Student Services can also help you research your academic options.
Where can I learn about career options? I'm not sure what I want to be “when I grow up!”
The Academic and Career Information Center can assist you in choosing or changing a major and/or career goal and planning your educational path. In addition ACIC offers three career assessments and inventories designed to guide you through the career decision-making process and to match your interest areas to particular majors and careers. This valuable resource is located in 14 Holton Hall.
Career and Employment Services guides you from college to career by providing career advising, training, employment connections, and resources. This office is another valuable K-State resource to assist you with all areas of career movement, including resume building, job searching, one-on-one assistance with resumes, interviewing, internships, and experiential learning opportunities.
Another important resource is your academic advisor. His or her knowledge of your field of study and your interests will be invaluable as you move forward through your degree at K-State.
Are there special options for those of us over 60?
An option for credit and noncredit courses is through the UFM Community Learning Center.
See course offerings through UFM
Selected questions, information, and format on this FAQ webpage were adapted fromUniversity of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.