Fellowship Application

Share your Research Expertise

Doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers studying natural resource management, environmental science, human-environment interactions, or sustainability science are encouraged to apply.


Required and Preferred Qualifications

Doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers from any discipline conducting research related to natural resource management, environmental sciences, human-environment interactions, and sustainability science are eligible to apply. Preferred applicants will have already earned their PhD or been admitted to candidacy and be making excellent progress towards doctoral degree completion.

Application Instructions

Applicants should compile the following into a single PDF file and submit it to the NRES Director with the subject line "NRES Graduate Fellowship Application". The required letter of support can be included in the PDF submission or sent separately to the NRES Director via email by major advisors or research supervisors.

Download the NRES Graduate Fellowship Cover Letter
  • A completed NRES Graduate Fellowship cover sheet.
  • A one-page statement summarizing your qualifications for the fellowship, your current research, and how the fellowship will advance your career goals.
  • A one page teaching and mentoring philosophy and, if available, one teaching evaluation from a university course or lab that you have led.
  • Your current curriculum vitae (CV).
  • A copy of your most recent peer-reviewed publication that best represents your contributions to natural resource management, environmental science, human-environment interactions, or sustainability science.
  • A letter from your major advisor or research supervisor supporting your application and briefly describing how fellowship funds will help you attain your future professional goals.

Review Process

Applications will be reviewed and Fellows selected by members of the NRES Governing Board. Awards will be made without restriction to race, gender, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability, and financial aid or other awards.

Application Deadline

Fellowship applications for the Fall 2025 semester are due no later than April 25, 2025.