Calendar of Events
The following calender will be updated as new events are scheduled so check back often. If you are interested in attending one of the activities or meetings, all you have to do is show up! If you have any questions about the activity or meeting, again, feel free to send us an email!
Fall Semester 2011 Schedule
22nd, THURSDAY, 6:00 - 7:00 pm
General Meeting for all members. It will be held in the K-State Student Union North Dining (north of the Food Court on the first floor). Please attend, as we need your input to decide on future events and activities. We will have special guest speakers at some of the meetings. We have a lot of fun at every meeting, so please get the most out of your membership by attending!
6th, THURSDAY, 6:00pm
Officers' Meeting. Location to be announced.
7th, FRIDAY - Service Project
NSCS is volunteering at the KSU Blood Drive. Times to be announced.
20th, THURSDAY, 6:00 - 7:00 pm
General Meeting for all Members. Leadership Studies Building, Room 127.
21st, FRIDAY 2:30 - 2:50 pm - PACE Event
NSCS members will be giving presentations at Susan B. Anthony Middle School about going to college. Come to the general meetings to learn more about participating in this event.
31st, MONDAY - Service Project
Trick-or-Treat for cans to donate to the Flind Hills Breadbasket.
3rd, THURSDAY, 6:00 pm
Officers' meeting. Location to be announced.
17th, THURSDAY, 6:00 - 7:00 pm
General Meeting for all Members. Leadership Studies Building Room 127
1st, THURSDAY, 6:00 pm
Officers' Meeting. Location to be announced.
8th, THURSDAY, 6:00 - 7:00 pm - NSCS Social
Ice Skating Social at the Manhattan City Park Ice Rink. Free admission for all NSCS members!
- Kendra Schuler, President
Laruen Johnson, Executive Vice President
- Casie Adams, Vice President for PACE
- Amanda Oakley, Vice President for Community Service
- Katherine Reitan, Vice president for Public Relations
- Michelle Hall, Secretary
- Tonielle Fiscus, Treasurer
- Ashley Wagner, Historian