Biology 198
Fall semester sections 07500 and 07510; Ackert 219; WF 1:30-3:20 pm
(The next time Dr. Upton will teach this course will be Fall, 2004)
Updated: 24 August 2000
Instructor: Steve
J. Upton, PhD; Ackert 347 (785-532-6639); e-mail:
Course coordinator: David Rintoul, PhD;
Ackert 425 (785-532-6663);
Required text: Biology: A Guide to the Natural World. Krogh, D.,
editor. 1st edition (2000).
Please bring the text to EACH class period. There will be reading assignments from the
text before each class. PLEASE read the assigned sections prior to coming to class.
Studio manual: Principles of Biology Studio Manual. Rintoul, D.A., Montelone, B.,
Horne, E., Coles, J., and Decker, M., editors. 2nd edition (2000). This
manual will be used every class
period and there will be reading assignments from this document before each class. Please bring
the manual to EACH class period.
Course Format and Syllabus
General: Principles of Biology (Biology 198) is taught in Ackert Hall, Rm 219. It is an
introductory course that covers a wide range of basic biology, and you will need to spend a
considerable amount of time studying outside the studio (for instance, an average of 6 hours per
week OUTSIDE of class for a C grade). The format of the course is
"Studio," meaning that you learn by active
participation rather than solely by lectures. For each section of material to be learned, you will be
required to perform a variety of laboratory activities including 1) reading the assigned material
within the textbook, 2) answering the assigned questions in your studio manual, 3) going through
the assigned computer exercises some of which are only accessible within the studio, and 4)
completing hands-on laboratory experiments. The studio manual will be your primary record of
your class activities and an important study guide for the exams.
Exams: All exams will be multiple choice (4-5 choices per question) and are written by
the course coordinator, Dr. Rintoul. Your instructor will not see the exam prior to the exam day.
Exams will be given at 6:00 pm, Monday evenings, approximately every other week during the
semester. The sole exception is the final, which will be given at (eegad!) 7:30 am on 14
December 2000. The first exam will be comprised of 20 questions (20 points), exams 2-6 will
each have 30 questions (30 points each - 150 total points), and the final will have 40 questions (40
points) and is NOT cummulative. Thus, the total number of points for all exams will total 210.
Students in sections 07500 and 07510 will take all tests, including the final, in Weber
123. You MUST bring a #2 pencil AND your student ID to each exam. You will need to
show the proctor your student ID before he/she will accept your answer sheet.
- EXAM #1 (20 points): 6:00 pm, Monday, 11 September 2000 (Introduction and Evolution)
- EXAM #2 (30 points): 6:00 pm, Monday, 18 September 2000 (Ecology)
- EXAM #3 (30 points): 6:00 pm, Monday, 02 October 2000 (Biological Chemistry and Cell
- EXAM #4 (30 points): 6:00 pm, Monday 16 October 2000 (Genetics)
- EXAM #5 (30 points): 6:00 pm, Monday 06 November 2000 (Energetics)
- EXAM #6 (30 points): 6:00 pm, Monday 20 November 2000 (Microbes and Plant Biology)
- EXAM #7 (40 points): 7:30 am, Thursday 14 December 2000 (Animal Biology)
NOTE: Final grades are assigned as follows: A = 90% or above; B = 80% - 89%; C = 70% -
79%; D = 60% - 69%. You should NOT count on this course being curved.
Exam scores: Exam scores will be posted outside of Ackert 219 sometime around
Wednesday afternoon following the exam. The exact time depends heavily on whether the
University computer crashes or not. The answer keys will also be posted next to the exam scores.
Following each exam, please check your exam scores carefully. If you find an error, contact the
graders immediately by leaving a note describing the problem on the door of Ackert 206. You do
NOT contact the course coordinator or the instructor. Within a couple of days, the graders will
repost your note with their response on the door of Ackert 206. You MUST bring any
discrepancies in your exam score to the attention of the graders within two weeks of the time the
scores are posted; otherwise, the posted score becomes your permanent score.
Missed exams: If you miss an exam due to a valid excuse such as illness, family
emergency, car problems, or brain surgery then contact Trent Armbrust (785-532-5929; in Ackert 131 to schedule a
make-up exam. You must sign up for a make-up exam by the end of the Friday of the week you
missed the exam; AND, all make-up exams must be taken within two weeks
after the exam is missed. The course coordinator has established the policy that there will be NO
EXCEPTIONS to these rules.
Exam conflicts: If an exam time conflicts with your schedule for an appropriate reason,
then you may take an early exam which will be given on the same day as the evening
exam. Valid conflicts include employment, another classes or class
events, participation in KSU
atheletic events, child care scheduling problems, performance or practice in music or theatre
events, car pool commuting schedule conflicts, and military
exercises. These early exams are
from 12:00 to 2:00 pm in Ackert 112. You must first contact the course coordinator, Dr. David
Rintoul in Ackert 425 (785-532-6663; during the week PRIOR to the exam
for permission to take the early exam. Do NOT contact your course instructor concerning the
early exams. The Division of Biology has mandated that NO early exams will be scheduled for
the final.
Daily quizzes: During most class periods you will be asked to take a 1-2 question, 1-2
point quiz. The quiz will usually be given early during a class period,
but may occasionally be given at random times. The
total number of
points for the quizzes will be 30 points. There are NO make-up quizzes and NO early quizzes.
Once all added together, these 30 points count the same as an exam score
and represent an additional score to your grade
(i.e. 210 exam points plus 30 quiz points equals 240 points total for the course).
Attendance: Like it or not, attendance is mandatory. Each day of class your presence
will be recorded. You are allowed three absences during the semester without penalty (although
you will loose quiz points for that day despite ANY and ALL excuses). You
need not justify your absence; it's
solely your business. However, if you accumulate more than three absences during the semester,
for ANY reason, you will be penalized 5 exam points for each miss beyond the three allowed
(about 2% of your total grade for each of these excessive absences). If you attend all laboratory
sessions, i.e. that means perfect attendance, you will receive an additional 10 bonus exam points!
That's about 4% of your semester grade and the easiest points that you can get in the course.
Not coming to class, or arriving after the daily quiz or leaving early,
constitutes an absence NO
Open studio hours: The studio is staffed and open for walk-ins Wednesdays 6:30-9:00
pm, and again Saturdays 9:30 am until noon. Thus, if you miss a class, this will allow you an
opportunity to make up the material for that class. The studio WILL NOT be open for use at any
other time.
Other: Each semester, Biology 198 is comprised of numerous studio sections and
hundreds of students. Each student has their own unique needs and wants and it simply is
impractical to accomodate everyone. Over the years, it has become necessary to mandate a
number of rules that are designed to accomodate the needs of the majority, but may at times
appear inflexible to a few of you. Nonetheless, these rules are as follows:
- No food, drink, or gum in the studio. Not only does this help avoid equipment being ruined,
but it helps protect individuals from accidentally ingesting toxic chemicals that may be in the
- All cell phones and beepers must be turned off prior to entering the studio. These sounds and
conversations distract both students and instructors alike. The sole exception will be for those
individuals involved in emergency services.
- Do not play with knobs, screws, buttons, settings, or anything else on microscopes or other
pieces of equipment in the laboratory unless your studio manual, or your instructor, tells you to
do so.
- Do not talk when the instructors are lecturing. This distracts both
the instructors and other students. Please go out to the hallway if you
simply cannot hold something inside.
- Do not write on desks, carve your initials in the desks, or deface equipment in any way. You
may be charged a fee for defacing state property.
- Do not ingest any reagents, chemicals, or other items found in the laboratory. Some items in
the laboratory that appear harmless may in fact be contaminated with toxic chemicals.
- Use the computers for studio work only. Do not use the computers to check your e-mail or
for surfing non-pertinent sites. The server keeps a log of where and when all activity occurs on
each computer.
- Do not attempt to use old studio manuals, or the previous activities of others in the course, to
substitute for your own work. Not only are the studio exercises updated each semester, but
copying the work of others constitutes academic dishonesty.
Tentative Course Schedule
The following course schedule represents a summation of material you
will receive in class the first day. If you wish to access the
Principles of Biology material from a non-studio computer, you may
do so here
MODULE #1: (Week 1) Introduction
- CLASS 1: Wednesday, August 23 - Studio manual pages
1-5. Introduction to the Principles of Biology studio (instructor comments); Introduction to
Computers (computer exercise - optional); Introduction to the Microscope (computer exercise);
Introduction to the Spectrophotometer (Spec-20 computer exercise)
- CLASS 2: Friday, August 25 - Textbook chapter 1 (all); Studio
manual pages 7-18. Introduction to Biology (computer exercise)
- Introduction to the Scientific Method
MODULE #2: (Week 2) Evolution
- CLASS 1: Wednesday, August 30 - Textbook chapters 16 (all),
17 (pp. 327-328 and pp. 333-339), and 19 (all); Studio manual pages
19-28. Evolution I (computer exercise).
- CLASS 2: Friday, September 01 - Textbook chapters 18 (all) and
19 (all); Studio manual pages 29-37. Evolution II (computer exercise)
NOTE: EXAM #1 (20 points) over modules 1 and 2 will on Monday at 6:00 pm, 11 September
2000. It does NOT occur on the Monday immediately following completion of these two
modules simply because of the Labor Day Holiday on Monday the 4th.
MODULE #3: (Weeks 3-4) Ecology
- CLASS 1: Wednesday, September 06 - Textbook chapters 6
(pp. 118-120), 28 (pp. 612-615), and 29 (all); Studio manual pages 39-48. Ecosystems
(computer exercise)
- CLASS 2: Friday, September 08 - Textbook chapter 28 (pp. 615-624); Studio manual
pages 49-62. Populations (computer exercise)
- CLASS 3: Wednesday, September 13 - Textbook chapter 28
(pp. 625-636); Studio manual pages 63-74. Communities (computer exercise); Populus program
(computer exercise)
- CLASS 4: Friday, September 15 - Textbook chapters 6
(pp. 118-120), 28 (all), and 29 (all); Studio manual pages 75-88. Microarthropod slide show
(computer exercise); Microarthropod images (computer exercise)
EXAM #2 (30 points) over module 3 will be on Monday at 6:00 pm, 18 September 2000
MODULE #4: (Week 5-6) Biological Chemistry and Cell
- CLASS 1: Wednesday, September 20 - Textbook chapters 2
(all) and 3 (all); Studio manual pages 89-103. Introduction to proteins (computer exercise)
- CLASS 2: Friday, September 22 - Textbook chapters 2
(pp. 54-58) and 6 (pp. 123-126); Studio manual pages 105-117. Protein denaturation (computer
- CLASS 3: Wednesday, September 27 - Textbook chapters 4
(all) and 5 (pp. 92-97 and pp. 100-102); Studio manual pages 119-132. Animal cell tour
(computer exercise)
- CLASS 4: Friday, September 29 - Textbook chapters 9
(pp. 176-186) and 26 (570-574); Studio manual pages 133-141. Cell reproduction (computer
EXAM #3 (30 points) over module 4 will be on Monday at 6:00 pm, 02 October 2000
MODULE #5: (Week 7-8) Genetics
- CLASS 1: Wednesday, October 04 - Textbook chapters 9
(pp. 172-179), 13 (all), and 14 (pp. 264-275); Studio manual pages 143-153. DNA (computer
exercise); DNA replication (computer exercise); Transcription (computer exercise); Translation
(computer exercise)
- CLASS 2: Friday, October 06 - Textbook chapters 10 (all), 12
(pp. 233, 237-238), and 14 (pp. 258-259); Studio manual pages 155-168. DNA replication
(computer exercise); Transcription (computer exercise); Translation (computer exercise); Meiosis
tutorial (computer exercise); Meiosis animation (computer exercise); Crossing over (computer
- CLASS 3: Wednesday, October 11 - Textbook chapters 11
(all) and 12 (all); Studio manual pages 169-181. Introduction to
Mendelian genetics (computer
exercise); Mendelian genetics 2 (computer exercise); Mendelian genetics problems (computer
exercise); Virtual fly laboratory (computer exercise); Practice and review problems (computer
exercise) (Mendelian
genetics practice
- CLASS 4: Friday, October 13 - Textbook chapter 17
(all); Studio manual pages 183-200. Population genetics (computer
exercise) (Hardy-Weinberg
EXAM #4 (30 points) over module 5 will be on Monday at 6:00 pm, 16 October 2000
MODULE #6: (Week 7-8) Energetics
- CLASS 1: Wednesday, October 18 - Textbook chapters 5
(pp. 95-109) and 6 (all); Studio manual pages 201-213. ATP (computer exercise)
- No class on Friday, October 20 - Fall break day
- CLASS 2: Wednesday, October 25 - Textbook chapter 7
(all); Studio manual pages 215-228. Photosynthesis (computer exercise); Photosynthesis
animation (computer exercise); Light reactions (computer exercise)
- CLASS 3: Friday, October 27 - Textbook chapter 8 (all); Studio
manual pages 229-244. Cellular respiration (computer exercise); Oxidative phosphorylation
(computer exercise); Bioluminescence (computer exercise)
- CLASS 4: Wednesday, November 01 - Textbook chapters 8
(pp. 159-164) and 27 (pp. 656-659); Studio manual pages 245-257. US Census population
PopClock (computer exercise); IntlPop (computer exercise); Population growth simulation
(computer exercise); Energy (computer exercise)
EXAM #5 (30 points) over module 6 will be on Monday at 6:00 pm, 06 November 2000
MODULE #7: (Week 7-8) Microbes and Plant Biology
- CLASS 1: Friday, November 03 - Textbook chapter 20 (pp. 395-402); Studio manual
pages 259-268. Biology of microbes
- CLASS 2: Wednesday, November 08 - Textbook chapters 19
(pp. 379-381), 20 (pp. 410-413), 21 (pp. 418-427 and pp. 430-433), and 22 (pp. 449-450 and pp.
464-471); Studio manual pages 269-282. Plant Biology I: No computer exercises.
- CLASS 3: Friday, November 10 - Textbook chapters 21
(pp. 427-430 and pp. 432-439) and 22 (pp. 449-459 and pp. 471-472); Studio manual pages
285-296. Plant Biology 2: Water transport (computer exercise); Transport of organic nutrients
(computer exercise)
- CLASS 4: Wednesday, November 15 - Textbook chapters 21
(pp. 424-425, pp. 428-429, pp. 433-434, p. 438, and figure 21.28) and 22 (pp. 452-453 and pp.
460-464); Studio manual pages 297-306. Plant Biology 3: Introduction to the greenhouse effect
(computer exercise); C3 vs C4 photosynthesis (computer exercise); Prairie plant research
chambers (computer exercise); Carbon dioxide effects on prairie plant
growth (computer
exercise); Role of carbon dioxide in global warming (computer
exercise); Climate change and
Kansas (computer exercise)
EXAM #6 (30 points) over module 7 will be on Monday at 6:00 pm, 20 November 2000
MODULE #8: (Week 7-8) Animal Biology
- CLASS 1: Friday, November 17 - Textbook chapters 20
(pp. 402-413), 23 (all), and 26 (all); Studio manual pages 307-323.
- No class on Wednesday and Friday, November 22 and 24 - Thanksgiving break
- CLASS 2: Wednesday, November 29 - Textbook chapters 24
(pp. 517-518) and 25 (pp. 551-559); Studio manual pages 325-337. Digestive system tour
(computer exercise); Fetal pig review (computer exercise)
- CLASS 3: Friday, December 01 - Textbook chapters 24
(pp. 521-532) and 25 (pp. 540-551); Studio manual pages 339-351. Fetal pig review 1 (computer
exercise); Blood flow through the heart (computer exercise); The immune system (computer
exercise); Fetal pig review 2 (computer exercise).
- CLASS 4: Wednesday, December 06 - Textbook chapters 24
(pp. 506-520), 25 (pp. 559-564), and 27 (all); Studio manual pages 353-365. Kidney function
(computer exercise); Fetal pig urogenital system (computer exercise); Fetal pig review 1
(computer exercise); Fetal pig review 2 (computer exercise)
- CLASS 5: Friday, December 08 - Textbook chapters 23
(pp. 492-503) and 24 (pp. 506-516); Studio manual pages 367-383. Different types of brains
(computer exercise); Conduction of nerve impulses (computer exercise); Reflex arc (computer
exercise); Sliding filament model (computer exercise); Antagonistic muscles (computer exercise);
Reaction time (computer exercise); Fetal pig review 1 (computer exercise); Fetal pig review 2
(computer exercise)
EXAM #7 (40 points) over module 8 will be on Thursday at 7:30 am, 14 December 2000. This is
the final and it is NOT cummulative.
Scheduled Help Sessions
- Monday, August 28, Ackert 120, 4:00-5:00 pm
- Tuesday, September 05, Ackert 120, 5:30-7:00 pm
- Sunday, September 10, Ackert 120, 4:00-5:30 pm
- Monday, September 11, Ackert 120, 4:00-5:00 pm
- Sunday, September 17, Ackert 120, 4:00-5:30 pm
- Monday, September 18, Ackert 120, 4:00-5:00 pm
- Monday, September 25, Ackert 120, 4:00-6:00 pm
- Sunday, October 01, Ackert 120, 4:00-5:00 pm
- Monday, October 02, Ackert 120, 4:00-5:00 pm
- Monday, October 09, Ackert 120, 4:00-6:00 pm
- Sunday, October 15, Ackert 120, 4:00-5:00 pm
- Monday, October 16, Ackert 120, 4:00-5:00 pm
- Monday, October 23, Ackert 120, 4:00-6:00 pm
- Monday, October 30, Ackert 120, 4:00-6:00 pm
- Sunday, November 05, Ackert 120, 4:00-5:30 pm
- Monday, November 06, Ackert 120, 4:00-5:00 pm
- Monday, November 13, Ackert 120, 4:00-6:00 pm
- Sunday, November 19, Ackert 120, 4:00-5:30 pm
- Monday, November 20, Ackert 120, 4:00-5:00 pm
- Monday, November 27, NO REVIEW SESSION
- Monday, December 04, Ackert 120, 4:00-6:00 pm
- Wednesday, December 13, 4:00-5:30 pm, ROOM TO BE ARRANGED

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