Biology 625
Fall semester lecture note outline
Updated: 24 September 1999
The text below simply represents a crude lecture outline of one of the topics covered in class. It
is not meant to substitute for attending lectures or ignoring the textbook. Additional material,
including line drawings, kodachromes, and more extensive information on life-cycles and basic
biology, will be supplied in the lectures.
Topic #13: Basic taxonomy of the Cestoda
- Subclass: Gyrocotylidea (you will not need to learn this taxon)
- Monozoic
- Anterior end with small, inversible holdfast organ
- Posterior end frilled, consisting as rosette-like organ
- Margins may be frilled (Gyrocotyle) or unfrilled (Gyrocotyloides)
- Ovary posterior
- Uterus with extensive lateral loops; terminates in midventral pore in anterior one-half of
the worm
- Testes anterior
- All parasites of spiral valve of Holocephali (ratfish; chimaera); few species (i.e.
Gyrocotyle fimbriata in the intestine of ratfish
- Larva with 10 equal-sized hooks (decacanth larva)
- Subclass: Cestoidea
- Superorder: Amphilinidea (you will not need to learn this taxon)
- Monozoic
- Dorso-ventrally flattened
- Indistinct proboscis-like holdfast at anterior end
- Genital pore anterior; Ovary posterior; testes preovarian
- Vitelline follicles bilateral
- Uterus N-shaped or looped
- Oncosphere (larva) with 6 large and 4 small hooks
- Parasitic in body cavity of primitive fish and turtles; few species
(some representatives below)
- Amphilina bipunctata in body cavity of sturgeon in Oregon
- Austramphilina elongata in body cavity of tortoises in Australia
- Superorder: Eucestoda
- Adults polyzoic in most groups
- Hooks on larva reduced to 6 (hexacanth)
- Tegument covered by microtrichs
- Two Infracohorts and 12-14 orders, depending upon the author
- Infracohort: Pseudophylla
- Caryophyllidea
- Spathebothriidea
- Pseudophyllidea
- Infracohort: Saccouterina
- Nippotaeniidea
- Lecanicephalidea
- Aporidea
- Diphyllidea
- Litobothridea
- Trypanorhyncha
- Tetraphyllidea
- Proteocephalata
- Cyclophyllidea
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