Biology 625
Sample exam
The exam below is simply a sample test, portions of which were given to students in 1995. This
sample exam is not meant to be all inclusive. Rather, it should be used only to give you an idea of
how I design many of my exams. Be sure that not all information in the course is contained within
the body of this sample exam.
SAMPLE EXAM #3 (100 points) PROTOZOA
NOTE: A species is binomial
- In one sentence or less, define each of the following terms (2 points each, 30 points total).
- Ookinete
- Promastigote
- Bradyzoite
- Endosome
- Syzygy
- Epimerite
- Nagana
- Syngamy
- Isogamy
- Amastigote
- Trophont
- Polar capsule
- Salivaria
- Axostyle
- Sporogony
- For each query, fill in the species of parasite. More than 1 answer may apply to some
questions, but please only give 1 answer (2 points each, 30 points total).
- Blackhead in turkeys.
- Hepatic amoebiasis.
- Macronucelus.
- Antigenic variation.
- Forms oocysts.
- Axostyle.
- Adhesive disk.
- Segmenter.
- Polar tube.
- Sporozoites.
- Polar capsule.
- Hemozoin pigment.
- Conjugation.
- Macroschizont.
- Primite.
- List 5 different species of protozoa that are zoonoses (i.e. animal parasites capable
of infecting humans) (2 points each; 10 points).
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- Provide the common name of the vector for each of the following (2
points each, 10 points total).
- Plasmodium relictum
- Trypanosoma brucei
- Babesia bigemina
- Haemogregarina balli
- Leukocytozoon smithi
- Please provide the complete and un-edited life cycle for each of
the following 4 species of protozoan (5 points each, 20 points total).
- Cryptosporidium parvum; Haemogregarina balli;
Toxoplasma gondii, and Plasmodium brazilianum
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24 September, 1999