Biology 625
Sample exam
The exam below is simply a sample test, portions of which were given to students in 1995. This
sample exam is not meant to be all inclusive. Rather, it should be used only to give you an idea of
how I design many of my exams. Be sure that not all information in the course is contained within
the body of this sample exam.
NOTE: A species is binomial
- Tell me whether a particular attribute is present (P) or absent (A) for each of the following (2
points each, 30 points total).
- Festoons on Dermacentor variabilis.
- A proboscis for Moniliformis moniliformis.
- A larval stage for Amblyomma americanum.
- Nits for Haematopinus suis.
- A scutum on Ixodes scapularis.
- A pupal stage for Rhipicephalus sanguineus.
- A hypostome on Ctenocephalides felis.
- A larval stage for Ixodes scapularis.
- A toothed (armed) hypostome for Dermacentor variabilis.
- A genal ctenidium for Ctenocephalides felis.
- An anal groove for Ixodes scapularis.
- An exoskeleton for Cimex lectularis.
- Milk glands in female Glossina spp.
- A stolon for Polypodium hydriforme.
- A pupal stage for Ctenocephalides felis.
- For 5 points, and in the brief space provided below, tell me what you think the greatest threat
to animal health (any animal) is today in the United States; and WHY.
- For each disease, provide a common name of an arthropod that might transmit the
disease (2 points each; 20 points total).
- Trypanosoma brucei
- Canine erlichiosis
- Trypanosoma cruzi
- Leishmania spp.
- Malaria
- onchocerciasis
- Bubonic plague
- Lyme disease
- yellow fever
- blue tongue
- Provide the common names for each of the following species or group of arthropod (2 points
each, 20 points total).
- Cimex lectularis
- Haematopinus suis
- Ctenocephalides felis
- Varroa jacobsoni
- Amblyomma americanum
- Placobdella parasitica
- Tabanus spp.
- Linguatula serrata
- Platypsyllus castoris
- Simulium spp.
- Diagram the entire life-cycle of a typical myxozoan. Label all stages (10 points).
- For each of the following, tell whether it is a characteristic of a platyhelminth (P), nematode
(N) or protozoan (R) (1 point each; 20 points total)
- scolex
- acetabulum
- ballonet
- axostyle
- metacercaria
- coracidium
- miricidium
- opisthaptor
- anchor
- gubernaculum
- kinetoplast
- oocyst
- rachis
- amphid
- tribocytic organ
- macronucleus
- eutely
- copulatory bursa
- redia
- pleurocercoid
- In the space provided below, please diagram and label the complete life-cycle of Cimex
lectularis (10 points)
- In the space provided below, please digram and label the complete life-cycle of Culex
pipiens (10 points total).
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Kansas State University | Biology Division
24 September, 1999