Updated: 31 October 2001
History: The first published report of
Cyclospora cayetanensis in humans
to be by Ashford (1979), who found unidentified Isospora-like coccidia in the feces
of 3
individuals in Papua, New Guinea. At least the photomicrographs in
the paper reveal an organism morphologically identical to that we see
now. Later, Narango et al. (1989) reported what may be the same organism
several Peruvians with chronic diarrhea and termed the organism
Cryptosporidium muris-like. Other investigators thought the unsporulated oocysts appeared more similar
cyanobacteria, and the name "cyanobacterium-like body" or CLB became prevalent in the
literature (occasionally, authors also used the term "coccidian-like
body" for CLB). Eventually, Ortega et al. (1992) published an abstract
reporting that they had sporulated
and excysted the oocysts, resulting in placement of the parasite in the genus
They also created the name Cyclospora cayetanensis at this time. However, since
morphologic information was presented in the abstract, C.
cayetanensis technically became
a nomen nudum (a named species without a description). Although Ortega et al.
later published additional details about this coccidian, it wasn't until 1994 that a complete
morphologic description was published to validate the name (Ortega et
al., 1994). Thus, the correct name for this parasite is Cyclospora
cayetanensis Ortega, Gilman, & Sterling, 1994, and the etymology of
the nomen triviale is derived from
Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, Peru. During
this 2-year period when C. cayetanensis was a nomen nudum, anyone
wishing to publish
a complete morphologic description and change the name would have been
free to do so. But, we are now doomed forever in our struggle to spell and
pronounce "cayetanensis."
Life-cycle and basic biology: The life-cycle
of Cyclospora
cayetanensis begins,
like all enteric coccidia, with ingestion of a sporulated "oocyst" (the
environmentally resistent cyst stage). This sporulated oocyst contains
2 "sporocysts" (smaller cysts within the oocyst), each enclosing 2
"sporozoites" (the infective stages; each oocyst contains a total of 4
sporozoites). Once inside the gut,
these sporozoites exit from the sporocysts and oocyst,
eventually penetrating epithelial cells
along the small intestine. The preferred site is the jejunum.
Sporozoites undergo multiple fission inside
cells to form "meronts,"
which contain numerous "merozoites." Ortega et al. (1997a) has described
two asexual generations: the first having 8-12 merozoites and the
second as having 4 merozoites. The final
generation of merozoites penetrate new cells to form
gametes, which can also be found in the jejunum. Most
gametes simply enlarge to form the female gamete, or "macrogamete." Some
become "microgametocytes," which undergo multiple fission to form
numerous flagellated
sperm-like "microgametes." Mature microgametes exit the microgametocyte, fertilize the
macrogametes, and a resistent oocyst wall is layed down around the zygote. In time, the
unsporulated oocyst is sloughed from the intestinal wall along with the host cell and passes
the external environment with the feces. Further development of sporocysts and sporozoites
termed "sporogony" or "sporulation" and occurs only in the presence of the higher
oxygen concentrations. Sporulation is complete in 7-12 days at a "warm"
room temperature, for instance at 30 C.
Hosts: Humans may be the only true hosts
for this coccidian. Although the parasite has been reported
from chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes from Uganda (Ashford et al.,
1993), and baboons and chimpanzees from Tanzania (Smith et al.,
1996), these may actually represent one or more morphologically
similar species. Eberhard et al. (1999,
Emerg. Inf. Dis. 5: 651-658) described 3 new species from primates
although both the morphologic and molecular data suggested little
difference between the three and with that found in humans. Nonetheless,
a more recent follow up study
suggests that oocysts derived from humans may not be
infectious to non-human primates (although no positive controls,
humans, could be used in the study) (Eberhard et al. 2000). There are
reports of the parasite in dogs (Yai et
al. 1997) and poultry (Garcia-Lopez et al. 1996; Sherchand et al. 1999),
but it is likely that the former is either Hammondia heydorni or
Neospora caninum and the latter either Eimeria mitis or a
Diagnosis: Oocysts of Cyclospora are
spherical, measure 9.0 micrometers in diameter, and are passed in the
feces unsporulated. They are passed in low to
moderate numbers, and are easily recognized using conventional microscopy
here). Fluorescent microscopy employing a filter with a wavelength in
the range of 340-380 nm reveals the oocysts to glow a bright, pale blue.
Clinical signs and pathogenesis: Individuals
infected with Cyclospora may
experience prolonged watery diarrhea, abdominal cramping, weight
loss, anorexia, myalgia, and occasionally vomiting and/or fever.
Symptoms generally begin approximately 1 week (5-8 days) after ingestion
of oocysts and these may persist
for a month or more. The small intestine becomes inflammed, and the
parasite causes mucosal changes that include villous atropy and crypt
hyperplasia. Mild infections may produce few or no clinical signs.
Epidemiology: With the exception of some
outbreaks, the overall prevalence of
Cyclospora in North America appears to be far
less than 1%.
Outbreaks seem to occur most frequently in late spring and
summer, and these warmer temperatures are clearly needed to get oocysts
to sporulate with any rapidity. In addition, this time of year
correlates with increased import of fruits and vegetables into the US
from our more southern neighbors. Individuals become
infected when they ingest contaminated food or water containing viable, sporulated oocysts.
Because so many of the foods we consume are shipped over long distances and involve
contact by
many individuals, transportation of pathogens such as Cyclospora between states
countries has become unavoidable. However, the odds of becoming infected with
Cyclospora, and many other foodborne pathogens, can be greatly diminished by
washing fruits and vegetables well prior to consumption. However,
it should be noted that simply washing foods does not removed 100% of the
oocysts (see Ortega et al., 1997b).
Treatment: Some success has been achieved
treating patients with co-trimoxazole
mg trimethoprim, 800 mg sulfamethoxazole) twice daily for 7 days.
Children should receive trimethoprim at 5 mg/kg body weight plus
sulfamethoxazole at 25 mg/kg body weight twice a day for 7 days. For more
specific information on treatment, see the papers below marked with an
asterisk (*).
Other: An informal survey by the American
Society of Parasitologists a few years ago found that the average
physician in medical school now receives only about 6 total hours of
parasitologic training during medical school. Considering that over 400
different species of parasites are known to infect humans (see Ashford and
Crewe, 1998, The parasites of Homo sapiens. Liverpool School of
Medicine, 128 pp. ISBN 0-9508756-9-4), excluding
most arthropods such as mosquitos, flies, and ticks, this training is
less than dismal. Few physicians will initially suspect cyclosporiasis,
and few have even heard of it, which collectively results in lack
of specific testing for this organism (see 2000,
Emerg. Inf. Dis. 6: 200-203). It appears likely that most infections
go undiagnosed.
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Connor, B.A. 1997. Cyclospora infection: a review. Ann. Acad. Med.
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Diaz Carbonell, J.V. and Villar Amigo, V.M. 1997. Cyclospora
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Logar, J. et al. 1997. Cyclospora cayetanensis, potential cause of
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Madico, G. et al. 1997. Epidemiology and treatment of Cyclospora
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Ortega, Y.R. et al. 1997a. Pathologic and clinical findings in patients
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Petry, F. et al. 1997. Cyclospora cayetanensis: first imported
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Pieniazek, N.J. and B.L. Herwaldt. 1997. Reevaluating the molecular
taxonomy: is human-associated Cyclospora a mammalian
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Roberts, R.B. 1997. Emerging pathogens associated with infectious
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Rodriguez, J.C., and J.V. Serrano. 1997. Morphological, clinical and
therapeutic characteristics of Cyclospora cayetanensis. Bol. Chil.
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Schubach, T.M. et al. 1997. Cyclospora cayetanensis in an
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*Shlim, D.R. et al. 1997. An open trial of trimethoprim alone against
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Smith, H.V. et al. 1997. Sporulation of Cyclospora sp. oocysts.
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Steiner, T.S. et al. 1997. Protozoal agents: what are the dangers for the
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Taylor, A.P. et al. 1997. Cyclospora. Curr. Clin. Top. Infect.
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Visvesvara, G.S. et al. 1997. Uniform staining of Cyclospora
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Yai, L.E. et al. 1997. The first two cases of Cyclospora in dogs,
Sao Paulo, Brazil. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo 39: 177-179. [note: I
would guess the oocysts to actually be Hammondia heydorni or Neospora
Anonymous. 1996. Cyclospora infections on the increase. J. Ark.
Med. Soc. 93: 143.
Anonymous. 1996. Outbreak of Cyclospora infection in North America.
Commun. Dis. Rept. 6(26): 223-226.
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Bangladesh? Arch. Dis. Childhood 74: 90.
Brennan, M.K. et al. 1996. Cyclosporiasis: a new cause of diarrhea. Can.
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Clarke, S.C., McIntyre, M. 1996. Modified detergent Ziehl-Neelsen technique for the staining
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Trop. Med. Hyg. 55: 584-585.
Garcia-Lopez, H.L. et al. 1996. Identification of Cyclospora in
poultry. Emerg. Inf. Dis. 2: 356-357. [note: I would guess oocysts to
actually represent either a pseudoparasite or Eimeria mitis].
Goodgame, R.W. 1996. Understanding intestinal spore-forming protozoa: Cryptosporidia,
Microsporidia, Isospora, and Cyclospora. Ann. Int. Med. 124: 429-441.
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*Booy, R., Tudor-Williams, G. 1995. Co-trimoxazole for Cyclospora
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Chacin-Bonilla, L. 1995. Cyclospora: a pathogenic parasite in
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Clarke, S.C. 1995. Laboratory diagnosis and autofluorescence of
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Connor, B.A., Shlim, D.R. 1995. Foodborne transmission of Cyclospora. Lancet
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Deluol, A.M. et al. 1995. Cyclospora sp. Nouvelle coccidie intetinale agent de
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Lontie, M. et al. 1995. Cyclospora sp.: a coccidian that causes
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Nunez Fernandez, F.A. et al. 1995. The first report in Cuba of human
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Ooi, W.W. et al. 1995. Cyclospora species as a gastrointestinal pathogen in
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Robinson, R.D. 1995. Parasitic infections associated with HIV/AIDS in the
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Sifuentes-Osornio, J. et al. 1995. Cyclospora cayetanensis infection in patients with
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*Soave, R., Johnson, W.D. 1995. Cyclospora: conquest of an emerging
345: 667-668.
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Weber, R., Deplazes, P. 1995. Neue parasitare Erkrankungen beim Menschen: Infektionen
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Albert, M.J. et al. 1994. Diarrhea associated with Cyclospora sp.
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Scaglia, M. et al. 1994. Intestinal co-infection by Cyclospora sp. and
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Wurtz, R. 1994. Cyclospora: a newly identified intestinal pathogen of humans. Clin.
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Am. Med. Assoc. 260: 1245-1248.
Cyclospora cayetanensis
Synonym: Cyclospora cayetenensis
Duluol, Teilhac,
Poirot, Heyer, Beaugerie, & Chatelet, 1996 lapsus
E-mail: Steve J. Upton
Division of Biology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506
Main menu: Cryptosporidium
Cyclospora cayetanensis: additional links
CDC information for health care
Differentiation of Cyclospora from Eimeria by PCR
FDA public announcement
Outbreaks in 1996 (MMWR 45:
549-551, June 1996)
Protocol for preparation of oocysts for PCR following extraction from
Cyclospora cayetanensis: select citations
2001 papers
Alakpa, G.E. 2001. Studies on Cyclospora cayetanensis as an emerging human
diarrhoeal pathogen in Lagos, Nigeria. PhD dissertation, University of
Lagos, Nigeria.
2000 papers
Adam, R.D. et al. 2000. Intervening transcribed spacer region 1
variability in Cyclospora
cayetanensis. J. Clin. Microbiol. 38: 2339-2343.
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