Noel Schulz
Chapter Scholar Award Presented in April 2013

Mary Beth Kirkham with Noel Schulz
Phi Kappa Phi is honored to present its 2013 Scholar Award to
Dr. Noel Schulz, Pasley Professor of EECE and
Associate Dean for Research in the College of Engineering.
The following citation
was read at the presentation.
Our Scholar Award recipient is Dr. Noel Schulz, currently Kansas
State University's first lady, earned her BS and MS in EE from
Virginia Tech and a doctorate in EE from the University of Minnesota.
She has over 19 years of teaching and research experience. She is currently Pasley Professor of EECE and Associate Dean for
Research in the College of Engineering. She has been very active having graduated 40 MS and 12 PhD students; published 160 papers; and brought in over $10 million in external research through individual and collaborative projects including an U.S. National Science Foundation CAREER award. She is directing three research grant projects the involve computer applications in power systems,
shipboard power systems, and intelligent system applications.
She is serving as President of the IEEE Power & Energy Society, an international technical society that has over 27,000 members. Her interests include inspiring and helping women achieve in the STEM fields and in higher education including her initiative to create the Women of K-State.
Dr. Schulz is active in our community and regularly opens her home to promote K-State. K-State's version of a human power house, please accept the Phi Kappa Phi Scholar Award, Dr. Noel Schulz.
The Scholar Award criteria:
- Quality of accomplishments in
the nominee's field of study. - Achievements of regional,
national and/or international
scope (publications, research,
invited lectures, etc.). - Honors and other forms of
recognition for excellence in
scholarly work.