Policies, regulations, guidelines, and plans
- Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM). The definitive guide to K-State policies.
- General policies and related forms formally provided by the Office of the Provost are available in the Department/Unit Head Manual.
- K-State's Notice of Non-Discrimination for use in publications.
- University Handbook. Policies, procedures, and regulations for faculty and administration. Includes the University structure and reporting hierarchy.
- Graduate Handbook. Standards and policies for graduate students and faculty.
- University Committee Handbook. Official committees, mandates, and membership. Includes Kansas Open Meetings Act guidelines for committees.
- Student Handbook.
- Student-athlete policies and procedures handbook.
- Student Code of Conduct. From the Student Governing Association.
- Academic Records. Grades, credit, A/Pass/F, drop/add, and more, including the Student Records Policy.
- Traffic and parking regulations from Parking Services.
- Bicycle regulations from Parking Services.
- Skating and Skate Boarding Regulations from Parking Services.
- Kansas State University Annual Security Report. Includes safety and security programs and policies.
Departmental policies
- Department/Unit Head Manual. Document for unclassified faculty and staff, provided by the Office of the Provost.
- Academic Departmental Guidelines/Documents provided by the Office of the Provost.
- Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Policy and Procedures Manual.
Information Technology policies
All official information technology policies can be found in Section 3400 Computing and Information Technology of the K-State Policies and Procedures Manual.