Kansas State University Pre-Veterinary Medicine Club Constitution
ARTICLE I NAME The name of the club shall be: Kansas State University Pre-Veterinary Medicine Club (hereafter referred to as the club)
ARTICLE II OBJECTIVES The objective of this organization shall be: 1) To promote a closer relationship among pre-veterinary students. 2) To promote a closer relationship between pre-veterinary medicine students and the College of Veterinary Medicine 3) To stimulate interest in Veterinary Medicine. 4) To offer counseling to pre-veterinary medicine students by the College of Veterinary Medicine.
ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP Section 1 Eligibility Any student that pays dues and has an active interest in Veterinary Medicine is eligible for membership and will remain active unless requirements are not met by the end of the semester. Section 2 -- Condition of Active Membership To be considered active in accordance with the College of Veterinary Medicine, a member must meet the following criteria: 1) An active member must pay nonrefundable dues, as set by the organization, regardless of when they join. 2) An active member must attend at least sixty percent (60%) of all meetings plus one community service and fundraising activity held each semester. 3) An active member during the fall semester must help with one half of one football game concession. 4) An active member joining during the spring semester must participate in an additional fundraiser and/or community service activity. Section 3 Excusable Absence If there is a conflict with a class or activity, which requires you to miss a regularly scheduled meeting, written proof of that class (i.e. class schedule) or activity (i.e. letter from judging team coach) must be presented to the Secretary and to the Club Adviser. To be considered an active member, all Active Membership criteria must be met.
ARTICLE IV EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Section 1 Composition The Executive Council shall be composed of the elected and appointed officers of the Club. Section 2 Duties 1) To be the administrative body of the Club. 2) To be charged with the duty of carrying out the provisions of the Constitution. 3) To be responsible for setting the time, date and place of the Club meetings. 4) To decide the eligibility of all applicants for Club membership, if deemed necessary. Section 3 Meetings 1) Executive Council shall meet at least once prior to each Club meeting. 2) Executive Council shall meet at times, in addition to the regular meetings, as deemed necessary by the Chairperson of the Executive Council.
ARTICLE V OFFICES Section 1 Title of Offices There shall be eleven (11) officers for the Club: 1) President 2) Vice President 3) Treasurer 4) Secretary 5) Representative for Ag Student Council 6) Representative for Arts and Sciences Student Council 7) Special Events Chair 8) Social Events Chair 9) Community Service Chair 10) Historian Chair 11) Communications Chair Section 2 Annually Appointed Offices 1) Community Service Chair 2) Zoo Liaison (recommended) Section 3 Eligibility for Officers 1) An officer must have been an active member of the Club for two (2) consecutive semesters. 2) A transfer student may be eligible for office if he/she is completing one (1) semester of active membership in the Club and is approved by the Executive Council and Faculty Advisors. 3) The Ag Student Council Representative must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture. 4) The Arts and Sciences Student Council Representative must be enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences. Section 4 Terms of the Office 1) All officers shall serve on term beginning at the last meeting of the spring semester elected and ending the following spring semester. 2) An officer may serve up to two (2) consecutive terms, per office. 3) Officers shall not have more than two (2) unexcused absences from meetings per semester. If an officer has more than two (2) unexcused absences from meetings per semester, they shall be removed from office. 4) All executive officers are required to attend at least one football game from set up to tear down. The executive officer at each particular football game is in charge and should know the processes and procedures of the football game concessions. 5) In order to be eligible to hold an officer position, you must be enrolled as a student at Kansas State University for your entire term. Those participating in study abroad for a semester during their term are ineligible to run.
Section 5 Duties 1) President a. To preside at all meetings of the Club. b. To be Chairperson of the Executive council and all of its meetings. c. To be spokesperson for the Club. 2) Vice President a. To serve on the Executive Council. b. To preside at all meetings of the Club in the absence of the President. c. To be responsible for all duties assigned by the President. 3) Treasurer a. To serve on the Executive Council b. To maintain accurate records of accounts receivable and accounts payable for the Club. c. To coordinate the activity of the fundraising committee. d. To have approximately one (1) fundraising event per month. 4) Secretary a. To serve on the Executive Council. b. To take and maintain accurate minutes on all Club meetings. c. To maintain the files of the Club. d. To maintain the membership records of the Club. 5) Representative to Ag Student Council a. To serve on the Executive council. b. To attend all meetings of the Ag Student Council. c. To report to the Executive council and the members of the Club any proceedings of the Ag Student Council concerning the Club and its members. 6) Representative to Arts and Sciences Student Council a. To serve on the Executive Council. b. To attend all meetings of the Arts and Sciences Student Council. c. To report to the Executive Council and the members of the Club any proceedings of the Arts and Sciences Student Council concerning the Club and its members. 7) Social Events Chairperson a. To serve on the Executive Council. b. To coordinate social events for the Club. c. To coordinate the activity of the social committee. d. To have approximately one (1) social event per month. 8) Special Events Chairperson a. To serve on the Executive Council. b. To coordinate the program for each meeting. c. To coordinate the activity of the special events committee. 9) Community Service Chairperson a. To serve on the Executive Council. b. To coordinate the community service events for the Club. c. To coordinate the activities of the service committee. d. To have approximately one (1) community service event per month. 10) Historian a. To serve on the Executive Council. b. To maintain and update scrapbooks, slide shows and pictures of the Club. c. To coordinate the activity of the historian committee. 11) Communications a. To serve on the Executive Council. b. To prepare bimonthly newsletters to be distributed at meetings. c. To inform members of upcoming meetings and events. ARTICLE VI STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIR Section 1 Titles Any other Chairperson that may be chosen by the Executive Council and the Faculty Advisors in accordance with the needs of the Club. Section 2 Eligibility 1) Must have been an active member of the Club for two (2) consecutive semesters, unless Executive Council has approved. 2) A transfer student may be eligible for office if he/she is completing one (1) semester of active membership in the Club and is approved as a candidate by the Executive Council and Faculty Advisors. Section 3 Terms of the Office 1) All Standing Committee Chairs shall serve one (1) term beginning at the time appointed during the fall semester or during the spring semester. Appointment will terminate during the end of the spring semester. 2) All Standing Committee Chairs may serve up to two (2) consecutive terms. Section 4 Duties To be responsible for those duties assigned by the Executive Council.
ARTICLE VII ELECTION OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Section 1 Time of Election Elections shall be during the first meeting in April, or after invitations to veterinary school have been received. Section 2 Eligibility 1) A prospective candidate must be an active member and attend at least two (2) Executive Council meetings during the spring semester. 2) A prospective candidate must declare his/her intent to run for office by submitting a letter of intent to the communications officer to be printed in the elections newsletter. At this time the candidate may specify the office for which he/she is going to run and he/she may run for more than one office. However, a candidate can only be elected to one office. The President will introduce the candidates to the Club prior to the election meeting. Section 3 Procedure 1) Election shall be by secret ballot and supervised by the outgoing Executive Council 2) At the election meeting, candidates will be given an opportunity to speak on their own behalf and there will be NO discussion from the floor. 3) The candidate receiving the majority votes for his/her specific office will be declared the winner. A majority vote consists of obtaining greater than fifty percent (50%) of all ballots cast for that specific office. 4) In the case where more than two (2) candidates are running for an office, and there is not a clear majority vote; there will be a run-off election for the top two (2) candidates. 5) Annually appointed officers shall be selected through an informal interview process by the President, Vice President and Faculty Advisor. Section 4 Vacancies Should a Club officer, with the exception of the President, fail to complete the term of office held, the vacancy will be filled by special election with procedure established by the Executive Council. If the President fails to complete hi/her term of office, then the Vice President will fill the vacancy.
ARTICLE VIII FACULTY ADVISORY COMMITTEE A faculty advisory committee shall be secured each year by the Executive Council. It shall be composed of at least three (2) members: one from the College of Agriculture and one from the College of Arts and Sciences. An advisor from the College of Veterinary Medicine can be added, if possible. Section 1 Eligibility 1) Each shall be a member of the faculty or an advisor within his/her respective college. 2) Each shall be associated with students enrolled in the pre-veterinary curriculum. Section 2 Duties 1) Shall serve as an advisor to the Club and its members 2) Shall be available to aid the Executive Council in the organization and in the operation of the Club. 3) Shall attend meetings of the Executive Council and the Club whenever possible.
ARTICLE IX FINANCIAL POLICY Section 1 Dues Dues for membership in the Club shall be determined by the Executive Council in accordance with the needs of the Club. Section 2 Returned Checks 1) When a Club member pays a bill with a check and the check is returned, that Club member must pay all other bills in cash for the remainder of the year. 2) The club member must pay the club any fees from the bank due to the returned check.
ARTICLE X MEETINGS Section 1 Frequency 1) The Club shall hold a minimum of six (6) meetings a semester. 2) Special meetings or functions shall be posted at least one (1) week prior to the scheduled meeting.
Section 2 Notice of Meetings Notice of all regular meetings shall be posted at least one (1) week prior to the scheduled meeting.
ARTICLE XI ORDER OF BUSINESS Section 1-Business of the Club shall be handled according to Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, when necessary. Section 2-In all votes where secret ballots are needed, a member must be in active standing in order to receive a ballot and cast a vote.
ARTICLE XII AMENDMENTS Section 1 Amendments to the Constitution 1) Proposed amendments to the constitution shall be presented to the Executive Council by written resolution for the preliminary consideration and shall be presented to the Club at the next regular meeting for discussion. 2) Proposed amendments shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of a quorum of active members present during the regular meeting. The regular meeting shall have followed a special meeting that introduced the amendments to be considered for approval.
ARTICLE XIII APPROVAL OF CONSTITUTION Section 1 The Constitution has been approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of a quorum of active members present during which this Constitution was read for approval.
DATE: ________________
______________________________ President
______________________________ Faculty Advisor