Administrative Searches
Vice President for Research (VPR)
Reporting directly to K-State's president, the VPR is responsible for encouraging and facilitating the integration and enhancement of research activities across the university's colleges and multiple research centers, and will lead universitywide strategic research growth activities.
Executive Position Profile
- Jesse Perez Mendez, co-chair, provost and executive vice president
- Ruth Welti, co-chair, university distinguished professor of biology
- Rachelle Banwart, executive director of corporate engagement
- Brad Behnke, interim dean of the College of Health and Human Sciences
- Blake Billings, deputy general counsel
- Teresa Douthit, faculty senate president and professor of animal sciences and industry
- Stacy Hutchinson, associate dean for research and graduate programs in the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering
- Greg Lohrentz, senior vice president of operations and finance at the KSU Foundation
- Paul Lowe, associate vice president for research
- Susan Metzger, director of strategic interdisciplinary program development
- Justin Mourn, research technician on the FarmsLab Team
- Claudia Petrescu, vice provost for graduate education and dean of the Graduate School
- Jürgen Richt, Regents and university distinguished professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology, director of the Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases, and director of NIH COBRE Center on Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
- Artem Rudenko, Cortelyou-Rust professor of physics and director of the James R. Macdonald Laboratory
- Alysia Starkey, CEO and dean of K-State Salina
- Marshall Stewart, executive vice president for external engagement and chief of staff
- Marty Vanier, associate director of the Biosecurity Research Institute and director of the National Agricultural Biosecurity Center
- Zane Whitney, president of Graduate Student Council and doctoral student in history
Vice President of Legal Affairs and General Counsel
Reporting directly to Kansas State's president, the vice president for legal affairs and general counsel is the principal legal officer for the university, with overall responsibility for the vision and leadership of the university's legal strategy.
Executive Position Profile
- Steve Owens, Chair, Special Outside Counsel
- Shanna Legleiter, Chair, Chief Human Resource Officer
- Patrick Burt, Vice President for Communications & Marketing
- Hans Coetzee, Interim Vice President for Research
- Eric Holderness, Vice President for Development, KSU Foundation
- Cassandra Jones, Professor and Teaching Corrdinator, Dept. of Animal Scienses & Industry
- Thomas Lane, Vice President for Academic Success & Student Affairs
- Debbie Mercer, Dean of the College of Education
- Jill Shields, Deputy Athletics Director, K-State Athletics
- Don Von Bergen, Professor, School of Integrated Studies, K-State Salina
- Ben Wolfe, Dean & CEO, K-State Olathe