Strategic Enrollment Planning
Building the Next Strategic Enrollment Plan
As K-State continues to implement key elements of the Next-Gen K-State Strategic Plan, the university is acutely focused on the work needed to support the achievement of two strategic imperatives:
- Growing our total student enrollment to 30,000 learners by 2030
- Making meaningful improvements in our graduation and retention rates across all student populations
That is why we are embarking on the creation of our next Strategic Enrollment Plan, building upon the work that began with the inception of our last five-year plan. We are aiming to have the new plan in place in November 2024, with work taking place over summer/fall 2024.
The Draft Plan
Feedback on the draft plan was collected via online survey and facilitated forums through Oct. 18, 2024. The draft plan is still available to view until the final plan is completed and released.
About the planning process
While the University’s 2018-2023 Strategic Enrollment Plan was primarily focused on undergraduate students, this planning initiative will take a more comprehensive, integrated approach. Learn more about the strategic enrollment planning intiative, including the planning process, team structure, a process overview and more.
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