Evelyn Stratmoen


Vitae (pdf)

Research Gate Profile

Advisor: Dr. Don Saucier

Contact Info

Office: BH 593

Email: stratmoen@ksu.edu

Description of Research

My research interests have consistently revolved around the overarching topic of gender. This includes research questions regarding how one’s gender influences their personal perceptions of various social interactions as well as those regarding how we perceive others based on their gender identity or presentation. I’m interested in looking at various factors that contribute to prejudicial evaluations of individuals who do not conform to societal norms surrounding gender presentation and behavior. Research indicates that gender plays a large role in a variety of social contexts and has a large influence on our perceptions of others’ behaviors as well as our expectations of how people should act. These perceptions may then lead to the further stigmatization of those who do not conform to gender norms nor other traditional norms we hold regarding gender, sexual orientation, family-style, career, and lifestyle choices.

One such area I am interested in is how masculine honor ideology influences a variety of people and situational perceptions of pro-social and anti-social behaviors, , including male aggressive responses (e.g., physical violence, sexual assault) to being romantically rejected along with various moderating and mediating factors that influence these responses to rejection, including women’s own adherence to honor ideology and their use of various rejection strategies (e.g., use of deception, being polite vs being rude). I am also interested in how masculine honor ideology influences perceptions of women who do not adhere to socialized gender norms (e.g., “agentic women”).

Another area of research I am interested in is the prejudicial evaluations and moral attributions toward people who live with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and the factors that influence these perceptions (e.g., PLWHA’s gender and sexual orientation) as well as the cause of infection. I am also interested in examining perceptions of gender minorities (e.g., transgender, gender non-binary or non-conforming) and factors that influence these perceptions, including heterosexism and anti-gay attitudes.

**Last Updated April 2019**

Recent Publications

*denotes undergraduate researcher

Stratmoen, E., *Rivera, E. D., & Saucier, D. A. (Revise/Resubmit Invited). “Sorry, I already have a boyfriend”: Masculine honor beliefs and perceptions of women’s use of deceptive rejection behaviors to avert unwanted romantic advances. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

Stratmoen, E., Lawless, T. J, & Saucier, D. A. (2019). Taking a knee: Perceptions of National Football League player protests during the National Anthem. Personality & Individual Differences. 137, 204-213.

Martens, A. L., Stratmoen, E., & Saucier, D. A. (2018). To preserve, protect, and defend: Masculine honor beliefs and the influence of gendered characteristics and gender on perceptions of presidential candidates. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 40(5), 308-319.

Stratmoen, E., *Greer, M. M., Martens, A. L., & Saucier, D. A. (2018). What, I’m not good enough for you?: Individual differences in masculine honor beliefs and the endorsement of aggressive responses to romantic rejection. Personality and Individual Differences, 123, 151-162.

Saucier, D. A., O’Dea, C. J., & Stratmoen, E. (2017). Hard targets: Masculine honor beliefs and motivations for muscularity. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 19(4), 547-559.

Conference Presentations

*denotes undergraduate researcher

*Aponté, C. G., Stratmoen, E., & Saucier, D. A. (2019, March). Ladylike behavior: The influence of masculine honor beliefs and gender on perceptions of aggression. Poster presented at the 39th Annual Great Plains Students’ Psychology Convention, Springfield, MO.

*Hall, S., Stratmoen, E., & Saucier, D. A. (2019, March). Influence of masculine honor beliefs on perceptions of the accused and the accuser in sexual assault accusations. Poster presented at the 39th Annual Great Plains Students’ Psychology Convention, Springfield, MO.

*Schaller, M. N., Stratmoen, E., & Saucier, D. A. (2019, February). “Don’t say that about my sister”: Masculine honor beliefs and perceptions of online aggression in response to familial insults. Poster presented for the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR.

Stratmoen, E., Lawless, T. J., & Saucier, D. A. (2019, February). “Taking A Knee”: Masculine honor beliefs and the propensity to make attributions to prejudice predict perceptions of NFL National Anthem protests. Poster presented for the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR.

*Rivera, E. D., Stratmoen, E., & Saucier, D. A. (2019, February). “I’m flattered but …”:Masculine honor beliefs and perceptions of women’s use of deflective rejection behaviors. Poster presented for the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR.

Stratmoen, E., Martens, A. L., & Saucier, D. A. (2018, March). To preserve, protect, &
defend: Masculine honor beliefs and the influence of gender and agency on perceptions of Presidential candidates. Poster presented for the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA.