Personality and Culture Laboratory


The Personality and Culture Lab (PaC Lab) seeks to improve our scientific understanding of how personality and culture combine to influence the mental and physical health of individuals and communities all around the world.


Created by Dr. David P. Schmitt in 1995, the PaC Lab has generated over 100 research articles and review papers on topics related to personality and culture. The PaC Lab began at Bradley University, has also been located at Brunel University London, and currently resides at Kansas State University. The PaC Lab is home to the International Sexuality Description Project (ISDP), an interdisciplinary research collaboration involving more than 200 anthropologists, biologists, psychologists, and sociologists interested in intersectional approaches to health, culture, and human sexual diversity. This international network of scholars coordinates the administration of numerous sexuality and personality assessments—as translated into more than 30 languages—to college student and community samples across the globe.


Moving forward, the PaC Lab plans to focus on personality and its links with health and well-being among gender and sexual minorities—including non-heterosexual, nonbinary, and transgender populations—as they face special culturally-embedded challenges in their local communities.


Below are some of the former members of the PaC Lab.

Tristin Agatrap, Ph.D. (2024; Brunel University London)

Maria Spanoudaki, Ph.D. (2024; Brunel University London)

Limor Gottlieb, Ph.D. (2023; Brunel University London)

Nour Rosun, Ph.D. (2023; Brunel University London)

Vania Rolon, MPhil (2022; Brunel University London)

William Costello, MS (2022; Brunel University London)

Sebastian Balmer, MS (2022; Brunel University London)

Samuel Thompson, MS (2021; Brunel University London)

Brikena Termkolli, MS (2019; Brunel University London)

Fathima Rakeek, MS (2019; Brunel University London)

Yanmei Qu, MS (2018; Brunel University London)

Kirby O’Brien, BS (2015; undergraduate honors thesis at Bradley University)

Kim O’Leary, BS (2013; undergraduate honors thesis at Bradley University)

Sandy Flores, BS (2012; undergraduate honors thesis at Bradley University)

Steven Malm, BS (2011; undergraduate honors thesis at Bradley University)

Natalie Schwend, BS (2011; undergraduate honors thesis at Bradley University)