Sarah Velasquez, Ph.D

Sarah Velasquez

Contact Information

Phone: 785-532-6705


Research Interests

My research interest lies in the field of health information seeking, specifically in understanding how individuals seek, acquire, and utilize health-related information. I am particularly interested in the dynamics that drive people to seek out health information and the various factors that influence this behavior. In an era where information is readily accessible through digital means, it is crucial to identify how different populations navigate and interpret the vast amounts of health data available to them.

Central to my research is the exploration of digital literacy and its impact on health information seeking. I examine how individuals with varying levels of digital proficiency use the internet and social media to find health information, and how this influences their health decisions and outcomes.

Additionally, I am interested in the role of social determinants of health in information-seeking behaviors. I investigate how factors such as socioeconomic status, education level, and cultural background affect an individual's ability to seek and use health information effectively. By highlighting these disparities, my research aims to inform the development of targeted interventions and policies that can improve health literacy and promote better health outcomes across diverse communities.

My work also explores the motivations and anxieties that drive individuals to look for health information, as well as the emotional and cognitive responses to the information they find. This includes studying the impact of misinformation and how it shapes health behaviors and attitudes. I aim to create a deeper understanding of the health information landscape, ultimately contributing to the creation of more effective health communication strategies.