Psi Chi News

Spring 2016

Psi Chi Officers 2015-2016

President: Ian Davis
Vice President: Abby Basham
Secretary: Kristen McGatlin
Treasurer: Jennica Kriegh
Advisors: Dr. Heather Bailey

If you have any questions or suggestions about Psi Chi, please feel free to contact any of the officers or advisors!

Psi Chi Website

While you can find out information about K-State's chapter here, you may also visit the national Psi Chi page at

Spring Banquet

At the end of each school year, Psi Chi holds a banquet in the spirit of recognizing undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty in the Psychology department. This year’s banquet will be held on Tuesday, April 26 at Pizza Ranch, along with Psychological Sciences grad students and faculty.

Bluemont Hall 588

Attention all members! Psi Chi has its own room: Bluemont Hall 588. The room has a computer, a printer, information on graduate programs, and internet access. So, if you are in need of a nice, quiet place to study or sit back and relax, feel free to use this space. The room key is located in the Psychology Department’s main office on the fourth floor of Bluemont. Just ask for the key and you’ve got your own office for the day!

Research Assistant Positions

If you are interested in being a research assistant next semester, please let us know and we will pass your name along to professors and graduate students. Please specify if there is a certain area you are particularly interested in.

More Ideas?

Let us know if you have comments or questions. Feel free to contact any Psi Chi officer via e-mail.