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Office of the Registrar

Course Scheduling Guidelines

KBOR Regulations:

If you are planning on running a class outside of K-State's jurisdiction (see the areas of Jurisdiction - Orange) you must fill out additional information and gain permission to teach at that location. (i.e., this is not for field trips or small one day interactions but instead connected to a larger course offering that will occur throughout the semester) - For question contact Dr. Tanya Gonzalez, Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness


Areas of Jurisdiction - Service Maps

College/Department Schedulers:  

Are responsible for the direct management of the designated departmental classroom space (110:Dept and 210/220/250: Lab spaces, etc…)

Scheduling Departments can identify if a room assignment is needed or desired in a centrally scheduled classroom (110/210) by entering the '04' in the room characteristic field on the meetings tab. Otherwise, the Academic & Classroom Scheduling unit will assume that a department owned room is being used.

All classroom space needs to be free of conflicts and accurately reflect what is scheduled in the room – otherwise this can cause issues with some of the university utilization and optimization reporting and processes.

If you are unsure of how to see conflicts, there are two ways to look for this data:

If you need assistance with how to use 25Live, running the KSIS report or on resolving a room issue or need, send an e-mail to: ksuacadscheduling@ksu.edu 

The Office of the Registrar, Academic and Classroom Scheduling:

Are responsible for the management of ALL Centrally Scheduled Classrooms (110:CSC/210:CSC).

All courses must follow the standard class meeting times in order to have priority choice for scheduling in a 110/210 CSC room.  Courses outside of the standard meeting times are placed last in the queue for scheduling.

Policy for Standard Class Meeting Times (PDF) 

Once the scheduling window closes for a given semester and the process hands back over to the Office of the Registrar, the office will review a 110:CSC/GUC room assignments looking for those approved college/academic departments that have a targeted Department First Preference option. 

  • Room conflicts will default during this review period to the first preference option. 
  • Once assignments are finalized and utilization/optimization processes are completed the first preference processes stop and ALL 110:CSC/GUC rooms are fully in the repository for use and scheduling with the Office of the Registrar. 
  • First preference rooms are not held in reserve beyond the initial scheduling and review/utilization processes.

ALL cross listed courses (known as course bindings) must be submitted on the Course Binding – Cross Listed Template which will ensure coding is done in KSIS and 25 Live: https://www.k-state.edu/registrar/faculty-staff/forms/index.html 

The master list of rooms that are active and approved for academic scheduling/use for the semeser is located on the K-State Active Classroom List Special Note: Pay attention to the tabs Salina Rooms versus Manhattan Rooms 

  • As a reminder this is the master list of all of the academic and classroom space that is available in KSIS for scheduling.  If a room or space is not on this list it means it is not approved for teaching a credit-bearing course and is not being counted for reporting as it is not built or active in KSIS. 
  • Rooms not in a 110:CSC/GUC; 110: Dept or 210/220/250: Lab classroom type require additional protocols and documentation to be considered for use/scheduling.  Inquiries should be referred to the University Registrar: Kelley Brundage {registrar@ksu.edu} for next steps.