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Office of the Registrar

Contact Information


118 Anderson Hall
919 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506-0118
Map and directions

General Information

Phone: 785-532-6254

General Inquiries: registrar@k-state.edu

Inquiries on Enrollment, Registration, Unofficial Transcripts, Evaluation, Degree Audit (student's only), Grade Changes, Transcript comments, university academic record transactions, etc...

Inquiries on any K-State Official Transcript order:  ksutranscript@k-state.edu

Graduation Inquiries: ksugraduation@k-state.edu

Commencement Inquiries: commencement@k-state.edu 

Military Tuition Assistance: militaryta@k-state.edu 


Internal (Faculty and Staff) Inquiries:

The e-mail information listed below is for internal use ONLY by designated K-State Faculty and Staff.  Students should not directly send inquiries to the e-mails below as they will be returned. 

The e-mails below require an approved K-State Faculty/Staff to engage with and/or request an appropriate process or transaction that need to be completed by staff in the Office of the Registrar via one of the email processes below.

Undergraduate Catalog Questions: ugcatalog@k-state.edu

Academic & Classroom Scheduling:  ksuacadscheduling@ksu.edu 

Curriculog: curriculog@ksu.edu 

DARS Assistance: darsassist@ksu.edu 


Brundage, KelleyUniversity Registrar785-532-6254
Castleberry, ShannonAssistant Registrar, Academic Technology785-532-6254
Chace, EricAssistant Registrar, Student Services785-532-6254
Fink, CarrieAssociate Registrar, Student Services785-532-6254
Pfaff, CharlotteAssociate Registrar, Academic Technology785-532-6254

Open Positions


Staff Intranet

Entrance to the Registrar Staff Intranet: Restricted Access