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Office of the Registrar

Office of the Registrar
118 Anderson Hall
919 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506–0114

Main Line: 785-532-3552

Phone Hours:
 Monday, Wednesday through Friday
 8:00-5:00 pm
 9:00-5:00 pm
E-mail: registrar@k-state.edu 


Walk-in Hours:
 Wildcat One Stop
 119 Anderson Hall
 Monday, Wednesday through Friday
 8:00-5:00 pm
 9:00-5:00 pm

A/Pass/Fail Policy

University Handbook, F91-F93

Students can adjust their grading basis in their Student Center in KSIS. In the Student Center, click the Other Academic drop-down box and select “Enrollment: Edit.” This will pull up the edit page to select the A/Pass/F grading basis.  ONLY If the KSIS option does not work would the A/Pass/Fail Opt-in Form be required.

The A/Pass/F grading option is currently available for free electives only. Students are encouraged to work with their academic advisor prior to selecting this option to make sure it will work within their degree requirements. 

Spring 2020 ONLY: Like several other grading requirements in K-State policy, this requirement was relaxed for the spring 2020 term in an effort to allow students to make progress toward their degree.  As a result, all students were able to use the 'P' grade as satisfying pre-requisite requirements for future registration and progression.  

Undergraduate students, except first-term freshmen and students on academic warning, may enroll in certain courses for which they have the normal prerequisites under the A/Pass/F grading option. Under this option, students earning a grade of A in a course will have an A recorded on the transcript for that course; a grade of B, C, or D will be recorded as Pass; a Grade of F will be recorded as F.

Students may request the A/Pass/F grading option for eligible courses at the time of enrollment though the third and fourth weeks of each regular semester or during the second week of the summer semester.  Deadlines for courses running on other calendars (e.g. intersession) will be pro-rated.  Students requesting the use of the A/Pass/F option must obtain the signature of their advisors. The decision by a student to use the A/Pass/F option is treated with strict confidentiality.

It is the responsibility of a student requesting enrollment under the A/Pass/F grading option to be sure that such an enrollment is valid in the declared degree program. A course originally completed under the A/Pass/F option may only be converted to a graded basis with the consent of the instructor and academic dean.

Students should be aware that some institutions, scholarship committees, and honorary societies do not find work taken on a non-graded basis (Pass) acceptable. Furthermore, many employers do not view non-graded (Pass) course work favorably. All students should be cautious in using the A/Pass/F grading option. Each department or division may specify which courses its majors may take under the A/Pass/F grading option consistent with the university requirements listed below.

A student may enroll under the A/Pass/F option for any free elective course offered under this option, that is, in any course that is in no way specified even in general terms in his or her curriculum, secondary major, or minor. Courses that are specified by name or number and courses that meet general distribution requirements, and courses to be applied in a secondary major or minor are not considered free electives. Students may submit Pass units for graduation requirements up to and not exceeding one-sixth of the total number of units required for a bachelor's degree. That is, five-sixths of all units submitted for the degree must be units submitted on a graded or credit basis.