Here to Help: Reporting Options

Consider reporting to the police

Sexual battery, rape, other sex crimes, domestic violence and stalking are against the law in Kansas. You can report these crimes and others to campus police or to local police.

  • In Manhattan, the local police department is the Riley County Police Department, or RCPD, at 911 or 785-537-2112. Administrators in the Office of Student Life and the CARE office can assist in notifying law enforcement authorities if you choose to do so. Generally, the campus police have jurisdiction over criminal conduct that occurs on university property, and RCPD has jurisdiction over criminal conduct everywhere else.

  • In Salina, the local police department is the Salina Police Department at 911 or 785-826-7210. Administrators in the Academic & Student Services Office and advocates from the Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas, or DVACK, can assist in notifying law enforcement authorities if you choose to do so.

  • In Olathe, the local police department is the Olathe Police Department at 911 or 913-971-7500. Administrators in the K-State Olathe Student Services office and the CARE office can assist in notifying law enforcement authorities if you choose to do so.

It is important to remember that reporting a crime is not the same as prosecuting the crime. You may also decline to notify law enforcement authorities. Be advised, however, that the university may also independently notify law enforcement authorities. Also, after a thorough investigation, the decision about whether or not to prosecute is made by the county attorney, not the university or police.

Consider reporting to the Office of Institutional Equity

An act of sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence or stalking may violate the university's Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Violence, and Stalking, known as PPM 3010, and thus violations are subject to disciplinary sanctions through that policy. The policy is implemented by the Office of Institutional Equity, or OIE, and reports of any conduct should be made to OIE. Reports can be made by calling OIE at 785-532-6220 | TRS 711 or filling out the online reporting form available at File a Complaint.

The office will process all reported violations of PPM 3010. If a violation of the policy is found, disciplinary sanctions will be recommended up to and including exclusion from the campus, dismissal from employment or expulsion from the university. A Deciding Administrator then has authority to decide on and implement sanctions and other remedial measures. For more information on PPM 3010 and the university's procedures for processing reported violations, visit The Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment, and Procedure for Reviewing Complaints.

Reporting to responsible employees and/or Campus Security Authorities, CSAs

While all members of the K-State community are encouraged to accurately and promptly report crimes and other emergencies to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, we know not all crime is directly reported to the police. Instead, many individuals who have experienced sexual violence, dating and domestic violence, and stalking may decide to first tell a colleague, friend, mentor or advisor. Under K-State's anti-discrimination policy, PPM 3010, the term "responsible employee" applies to individuals who must report information about discrimination, including harassment and sexual violence, dating and domestic violence, and stalking to the Office of Institutional Equity. Campus Security Authorities, or CSAs, are responsible for reporting any Clery reportable crime about which they have knowledge that is alleged to have occurred within K-State’s Clery geography. Additionally, all university employees have an obligation to report threatening or violent behavior to the extent set forth under the university's threat management policy. Because various individuals on campus may have multiple reporting responsibilities, you may want to discuss reporting obligations with colleagues, friends, mentors or advisors before sharing personal information.

Consider talking to a CARE advocate

CARE advocates provide confidential advocacy services to assist individuals who have experienced sexual violence, dating violence, stalking and sexual harassment with communication and referrals to other offices and agencies on and off campus, including law enforcement and legal, medical and academic resources. CARE advocates are not required to report alleged violations of PPM 3010 to the Office of Institutional Equity unless requested by the individual.

Consider talking to a counselor or therapist

Seeing a counselor or therapist may be important in helping understand feelings and begin the process of recovery.

Protection orders

Where applicable, orders of protection, no-contact orders, restraining orders or similar lawful orders may be issued by a criminal, civil or tribal court. Any student or employee who has one of these orders against another individual — whether or not that individual is also a student or employee of the university — is encouraged to notify the K-State Police Department and to provide a copy of the restraining order. The police department will keep the order on file, and it will be enforced, if necessary. Individuals on the Polytechnic campus are encouraged to contact the Campus Security Office or the Academic & Student Services office. Restraining orders are different than no contact directives sometimes issued by the university. To request a university-issued no-contact directive, individuals may contact the Office of Institutional Equity at 785-532-6220 | TRS 711 or

If a complaint is being processed by the Office of Institutional Equity, a no-contact order may be issued simultaneously to the parties involved to preserve the status quo, unless otherwise imposed as a risk management measure by the university.

To obtain a Protection from Abuse or a Protection from Stalking order, you will need to fill out forms found at the district court's clerk office at your local county courthouse. CARE advocates can provide more information and assistance regarding the process to seek such orders or you may contact the Kansas Crisis Hotline at 1-888-363-2287 or Kansas Legal Services at 1-800-723-6953 to help find an attorney or advocate.

Where to report

K-State Police Department

Manhattan campus
108 Edwards Hall

Riley County Police Department

1001 S. Seth Child Road

Salina Police Department

255 10th St.

Olathe Police Department

501 Old 56 Highway

Office of Institutional Equity, OIE

785-532-6220 | TRS 711
103 Edwards Hall
Evaluates reports of discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, stalking, dating and domestic violence, and retaliation.

Center for Advocacy, Response and Education, CARE

206 Holton Hall
CARE provides services and advocacy for survivors of sexual violence, dating violence, stalking and sexual harassment, and education around related topics.

Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas, DVACK

DVACK serves survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking, teen dating violence and elder abuse.

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