
Prepare a proposal

Successful funding proposals have many components. Find help with all of them here. Not sure where to begin? Staff in PreAward Services can help.

Proposal preparation information

Official address, signature authority and frequently used numbers.


Tools, templates, and information to help prepare proposal budgets.

Grant writing tips

References and resources for writing the proposal narrative and meeting submission requirements for outreach, education, diversity and evaluation.

CAREER resources

Information and tips for the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Program and other analogous award programs for young investigators.

Data management plans

NIH, NSF, USDA, and other data management requirement details.

NSF Safe and Inclusive Working Environment Plan For Off-Campus or Off-Site Research

Effective January 30, 2023, if you submit a new or renewal proposal that is funded, NSF will require that PIs take an additional step to safeguard participants when engaging in off-campus research activities.

Graduate Student/Postdoctoral researcher mentoring plans

NSF graduate student/postdoctoral mentoring and individual development plans guidance and examples, plus K-State resources for graduate students and postdocs.

Broader impacts

K-State resources, examples and guidance for including broader impacts in proposals.


Resources for developing and conducting an evaluation plan.

International health and safety

Resources posted by the Office of International Programs to support your overseas collaboration.

Current and pending support

Researcher instruction sheets for NSF SciENcv Current and Pending Support and NIH Other Support generation.