Seed Grant Research Features

K-State’s Global Food Systems Initiative accelerates new research and learning opportunities for K-State faculty and students, creating connections among K-Staters and worldwide research collaborators. Our student scholar features showcase their involvement in the Global Food System initiative as they assist faculty members in interdisciplinary seed grant teams. GFS seed grant funding is intended to support innovative research in all aspects of global food systems, with particular interest in projects that are interdisciplinary; promote job creation and economic development in the state of Kansas; engage graduate and/or undergraduate students; and partner with industry, particularly those based in Kansas.


Jenna Flory
Master's student in grain science and industry

Read more about Jenna and her research in "Progress for plant-based meat alternatives"

Linnea R

Linnea Rimmer
Master's student in animal sciences and industry with an emphasis in meat science

Read about Linnea and her research in "Rimmer makes difference in swine production"

Nelsa Beckman

Nelsa Beckman
Master's student in feed science and management

Read about Nelsa and her research in "Turning food waste into poultry feed"

Jing Ding

Kuan-Lun Ho

Jing Ding
Postdoctoral fellow

Kuan-Lun Ho
Doctoral candidate in mechanical and nuclear engineering

Read about Jing Ding and Kuan-Lun in "Advancing testing for E. coli in beef"

Shan Xu

Quan Li, lab

Shan Xu
Master's student in nutrition, dietetics and sensory sciences

Quan Li
Doctoral candidate in biological and agricultural engineering

Read about Shan and Quan and their research in "Discovering a new purpose for protein from beef"

Colin Chun headshot

Colin Chun
Master of Science in Animal Science with an emphasis in meat science

Read about Colin and his research in "From Hawaii to K-State; Colin Chun works to improve meat shelf-life"

Durga Khadka

Durga Khadka
Master's student in horticulture with an emphasis in urban food systems

Read more about Durga and her research in "Passion for produce innovation"

Olivia Haley

Olivia Haley
Doctoral candidate in horticulture and natural resources

Meet Olivia

Komlan Koudahe

Komlan Koudahe
Master's student in biological and agricultural engineering

Meet Komlan

Kelly Shunje

Kelly Shunje
Doctoral candidate in chemistry

Meet Kelly

Learn more about the GFS Seed Grant program.