In addition to the general B.A. or B.S. requirements for the College of Arts and Sciences, anthropology majors take a minimum of 34 credit hours in anthropology as follows:
Introductions to three core subfields of anthropology & Initiation: 13 Credit Hrs.
ANTH 200 (or 204 or 210) Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 260 Introduction to Archaeology & World Prehistory
ANTH 280 Introduction to Biological Anthropology
ANTH 301 Initiation to Anthropology (offered every Spring semester; commonly taken as a Sophomore)
Advanced anthropology electives: 21 Credit Hrs.
Seven advanced electives (300-level or above) in at least two of the core subfields (cultural anth, archaeology, and biological anthropology) (21 Hrs.) At least nine of these hours must be at the 500 level or above.
Students are strongly encouraged to include at least one methods course (for example, ANTH 715 Digital Ethnography; ANTH 561 Archaeological Field Methods or another academic archaeological field school; ANTH 562 Archaeological Laboratory Methods; ANTH 683 Osteology; ANTH 710 Ethnographic Methods; ANTH 720 Field Methods in Linguistics).
In addition to the above, a minimum GPA of 2.5 must be earned in all anthropology courses.
Many anthropology students prepare for the variety of occupations concerned with human relations by combining anthropological study with other training, frequently by completing an additional major, minor, secondary major (e.g., Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences [NRES]), or certificate (e.g., Global Health, Medicine, & Society; Religious Studies; Film Studies;Linguistics; Geographic Information Systems [GIS]; Primary Texts). Each program of study is worked out individually by a student, his or her adviser(s), and mentors.