Seek magazine
Seek is Kansas State University’s flagship research magazine and invites readers to “See” “K”-State’s research, scholarly and creative activities, and discoveries.

Behind the code
Researchers tackle the new world of cybersecurity
K-State researchers are working behind the code to navigate the new world of cybersecurity and to keep our data, our infrastructure and our world safe.
Balancing act
Sustaining our future across disciplines

The new normal
Analyzing the ever-changing economy
Resilient. Adaptable. Unpredictable. Economists have used many of these words to describe the state of the economy since the COVID-19 pandemic began more than two years ago. The economy has faced countless hurdles, and no one knows when — or if — it will return to normal.
Rural research and community collaboration
Chapman Center for Rural Studies strengthens communities while advancing student learning

Angles of attack
Fighting cancer with interdisciplinary science
Researchers work to better understand cancer and find ways to prevent it, detect it earlier and treat it more successfully, while also training the next generation of scientists.

From plastic sticker to laser printer
Project aims to reduce environmental waste and improve food traceability
A big bang
Graphene and hydrogen research leads to new company HydroGraph
From the VPR
"With the launch of our Economic Prosperity Plan for Kansas in December 2021, we boldly and intentionally committed to extending our treasured land-grant mission to explicitly include economic development. Research and economic development go hand in hand. Whether basic — fundamental — research or applied research, lab-based or field-based, physical or computational, incremental or transformational, the value of research lies in its impact. Indeed, this is the best destiny of any great research." — D. Rosowsky, vice president for research