Seek magazine
Seek is Kansas State University’s flagship research magazine and invites readers to “See” “K”-State’s research, scholarly and creative activities, and discoveries.

Laser focus
Elite physics researchers earn international renown
Deep within Cardwell Hall in the James R. Macdonald Laboratory at Kansas State University, physicists are making discoveries using laser pulses that make the blink of an eye look slower than a drawn-out college football television replay.
Risk and reward
In challenging times, K-State researchers step up to help farmers

Where dreams come to life
Sunderland Foundation Innovation Lab offers a space of exploration and creativity
Jarrett Lippert had always wanted a cup holder. The 15-year-old has spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair — one that lacked a cup holder. So, when Lippert visited Kansas State University’s Sunderland Foundation Innovation Lab in Hale Library as part of Manhattan-Ogden USD 383’s STEM Camp, one thing caught his eye: the 3D printers.
Anatomy of a breakthrough
The science behind some of today’s health challenges

A statewide network
New partnership strengthens communities across Kansas
Kansas State University and NetWork Kansas are partnering to create a statewide network of committed, creative partners to advance community vitality, increase small business startups, expand existing businesses and increase direct investment attracted to all 105 counties in the state.
From the VPR
Welcome to the spring 2023 issue of Kansas State University’s Seek magazine, our award-winning publication highlighting the breadth of research and scholarship, discovery and impact taking place at K-State — in our laboratories, our research facilities, our field stations and our communities.
— D. Rosowsky, vice president for research