Scholarship Renewal Information

Scholarship Renewal Information

The annual scholarship/award renewal review begins following the posting of Spring grades.

All centrally awarded scholarships/awards are be eligible to renew with the following:

  • 3.0 cumulative K-State GPA
    • The Presidential Scholarship will continue to require a 3.5 cumulative K-State GPA to be eligible to renew.
  • Successful completion of 24 K-State credit hours between fall and spring semester (summer terms do not count towards this total)

If it is determined that a scholarship/award recipient failed to meet the renewal standards at the conclusion of the Spring term, the Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) will send out an e-mail notification to the student's official K-State e-mail account to this effect.

You may review the renewal criteria associated with centrally awarded scholarships via our Renewal Question/Answer Discussion on this topic.

Scholarship Appeal

If you have been notified that you failed to meet your scholarship's renewal requirements, you may file an appeal premised on extenuating circumstances you encountered during the academic year that prevented you from meeting the renewal requirements.

Scholarship Appeal Form (pdf)

Appeals must be submitted by August 1st for full consideration for the following academic year.