K-State Scholarship Network

The K-State Scholarship Network (KSN) is an online application portal that will connect you to additional scholarship opportunities.

You will create a profile in the system that will help match you to specific scholarship opportunities provided by K-State donors and offered through university departments, potentially including your own academic college and/or department.

Make sure to submit your K-State Scholarship Network application by the priority date that applies to you:

  • Incoming freshmen:
    • February 1, 2025
  • Incoming transfer, international, graduate and continuing students:
    • March 15, 2025
Sign in to KSN

Get help with your KSN profile

Please select the instructions below most applicable to you for assistance with creating, accessing and updating your KSN profile. If you have any questions while creating or maintaining your KSN profile, please feel free to contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance at 785-532-6420 or email finaid@k-state.edu, referencing "KSN" in the subject line of your email. You may also find our collection of frequently asked questions helpful to you.

After you've submitted your KSN application

Once you have submitted your KSN application, you will receive a confirmation email via your official K-State email address. Please plan to check for this confirmation to ensure your application was successfully submitted.

If you are awarded a scholarship

If you are awarded a scholarship as a result of your KSN application, you should receive an email notification from the Office of Student Financial Assistance alerting you to your award offer. Additionally, you will receive an email with a link to thank the donor who made your scholarship possible.

View detailed instructions for completing your Gratitude Statement to your donor

If you have any trouble viewing these instructions or need additional assistance, please contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance directly.