Student Body President's Cabinet

Brady KappelmannChief of Staff

Brady Kappelmann,

116 K-State Student Union



Key Responsibilities

  • Coordinate the activities and advise the Student Body President's Cabinet
  • Conduct communication between cabinet members and the Student Body President as well as to Student Senate
  • Chair Cabinet Meetings
  • Aide in operations important to the Student Body President and Vice President
  • Serve on the Strategic Oversight Committee and Faculty Senate Committee for Professional Staff Affairs

Jolei Hertzel

Academic Affairs Director

Jolei Hertzel,




Key Responsibilities

  • Act as the Executive Branch's voice on issues that are particularly academic in nature
  • Research issues include but are not limited to, the open textbook initiative, open syllabus initiative, university-wide attendance policy for university-related absences, and academic advising
  • Represent the interests of students in discussions related to the faculty-student relationship
  • Serve on the University Advising Committee, and other committees relevant to academic success
  • Serve on University Library Committe

Karadan KirkpatrickAthletics Liaison

Karadan Kirkpatrick,




Key Responsibilities

  • Represents the interests and concerns of the student body to K-State Athletics
  • Will keep up to date on current issues regarding K-State Athletics and report to the Student Body President and Vice President
  • Works to maintain positive public relations between athletics, students, and the national perception of K-State Athletics, in order to maintain the level of excellence expected in representation of Kansas State University and K-State Athletics

Adelaide EasterBasic Needs Director

Adelaide Easter,




Key Responsibilities

  • Collaborate with Cats' Cupboard and other stakeholders on initiatives that will combat food insecurity and attend Cat’s Cupboard Advisory Board meetings
  • Attend Food and Farm Council of Riley County meetings
  • Represent KSU SGA with regard to serving students who are economically marginalized
  • Serve as an ex-officio member to Food Security Scholars

Holt WilliamsCampus Connections Director

Holt Williams,




Key Responsibilities

  • Represent KSU SGA with regard to student involvement and retention
  • Communicate the potential points of advocacy of student organizations to the Student Body President and Student Body Vice-President
  • Create programs for student organizations to assist in university and student org recruitment efforts
  • Spread awareness about how SGA can benefit student organizations
  • Encourage students to get involved on campus to find their purpose through involvement in student organizations

Lauren WolterExternal Affairs Director

Lauren Wolter,




Key Responsibilities

  • Represent the interests and concerns of the KSU SGA to external stakeholders, and entities including local governments, non-profits, businesses, educational institutions, and others
  • Serve as a member of the MHK-KSU Town Gown Committee
  • Collaborates with the City of Manhattan on a variety of projects
  • Attend the City Commission, Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, real estate advisory committee, and other external meetings as needed

Sal CaudillGlobal Campus Liaison

Sal Caudill,




Key Responsibilities

  • Report Global Campus affairs, issues and initiatives to executive branch
  • Promote SGA opportunities to Global Campus students

Gustavo Roa AcostaGraduate Student Council Liaison

Gustavo Roa Acosta,




Key Responsibilities

  • Represent the interests and concerns of graduate students
  • Attend the General and Executive meetings of the Graduate Student Council (GSC)
  • Provide a report at each GSC meeting regarding the SGA and university-wide initiatives that SGA is undertaking

Patrick BiggsHealth & Well-Being Director

Patrick Biggs,




Key Responsibilities

  • Responsible for programming designed to increase the health and wellness of students
  • Represents the interests and concerns of students on matters pertaining to health and wellness, and will work with campus officials, local businesses, and community partners to accomplish a safer campus and community environment
  • Collaborate with the Student Access Center to improve student/faculty awareness of campus accessibility
  • Increase visibility of Student Access Center and lead self-developed initiatives focused on improving on/off campus accessibility

Abdulla MansoorInternational Affairs Director

Abdulla Mansoor,




Key Responsibilities

  • Represent the interests and concerns of international students to the Executive Branch
  • Work with University administration, the International Programs Office and the International Student Center to enhance international relations
  • Attend International Coordinating Council meetings and engage with international student groups to ensure representation in SGA
  • Serve on the Intercultural Leadership Council

Bently TaulbertLegislative Director

Bently J. Taulbert,





Key Responsibilities

  • Represents the interests and concerns of the KSU SGA to state and federal officials
  • Attend both the Board of Regents and the Student Advisory Committee meetings monthly with the Student Body President and Student Body Vice President
  • Assist in coordinating State Higher Education Day and Big XII on the Hill in Washington D.C.
  • Educate the student body on governmental issues that are pertinent to the KSU students
  • Coordinate and serve as the Chair of the Legislative Advocates program

Ibrihim CiftciMulticultural Affairs Director

Ibrahim Ciftci,




Key Responsibilities

  • Represents the interests and concerns of Multicultural Students to the Student Body President, Student Body Vice-President, and Cabinet
  • Represent the Student Body President on the Diversity Programming Committee
  • Serve on the University President's Commission on Multicultural Affairs
  • Serves as an ex-officio member of the K-State SGA Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee, Council for Alumni Belonging, and the President’s Committee on Religious and Non-Religious Diversity
  • Serve as the Co-Chair for the Intercultural Leadership Council

Sean HoffmansOutreach & Engagement Director

Sean Hoffmans,




Key Responsibilities

  • Collaborate with the Office of Recruitment and Admissions to increase recruitment efforts with high school students
  • Explore options to increase student engagement throughout the state of Kansas

Eric ShaplandPublic Relations Director

Eric Shapland,




Key Responsibilities

  • Facilitates the distribution of information from the Executive Branch
  • Fosters quality public relations and formulating communication strategies between the Student Body President, Student Body Vice President and the student body
  • Outlets may include, but are not limited to, weekly newspaper articles, radio addresses, and social media such as X, Facebook, and Instagram

Jacqueline VarneyProfessional Opportunities Director

Jacqueline Varney,




Key Responsibilities

  • Foster a connection with the Career Center
  • Build and maintain relationships with employees, industry partners, and alumni networks to create job placement and internship opportunities
  • Collaborate with academic colleges and departments to align career development initiatives with students’ educational goals and programs

Jazmin BrownStudent Athlete Liaison

Jazmin Brown,




Key Responsibilities

  • To communicate concerns and ideas from the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee to SGA
  • Be a touch point for SGA information to the greater athlete community

Cooper SheldonStudent Finance Director

Cooper Sheldon,




Key Responsibilities

  • Coordinate and engage SGA’s commitment to student financial literacy
  • Work with Powercat Financial and all other programs on campus to ensure student engagement and financial literacy education
  • Attend Student Services Fee meetings as a non-voting member
  • Assist the Student Body President and Student Body Vice-President in making recommendations and policies to the administration and SGA to reduce wasteful spending and ensure efficient use of student fees

Meryn WillsSexual Assualt Awareness & Prevention Director

Meryn Wills,




Key Responsibilities

  • Facilitate the education and resources for sexual assault, prevention, an awareness for the student body
  • Voice student concerns and be a touch point for like minded advocacy across the campus

Sophia ColeSustainability Director

Sophia Cole,





Key Responsibilities

  • Voice student concerns about sustainability to the Student Body President and Vice-President
  • Research and recommend strategies for the utilization of resources and development opportunities to ensure a more sustainable future for KSU
  • Chair the Green Action Fund for allocating funding to sustainability initiatives on campus
  • Serve on Campus recycling Advisory Committee

Braden AdamsTechnology Director

Braden Adams,




Key Responsibilities

  • Work to expand and streamline the student friendly utilization of technology
  • Advocate for the student perspective on committees and campus wide decisions related to technology
  • Serve on technology task forces on issues ranging from KSIS, Outlook, Canvas, K-State Connect and others
  • Advocate for the student perspective on AI in the classroom and work with administration to communicate effectively

K-State Salina Student Body President Representative

Stephen Watson,

Key Responsibilities

  • Give regular updates to the Student Body President and Vice-President on current events at K-State Salina
  • Represent the interests and concerns of the Salina campus