Introduction to Computational Thinking
This lesson is originally created by Emporia State University from the Ag-ACS Project, with revisions. See original lesson plan. A full list of revisions is available at the bottom of this page.Lesson Plan Available here, or all materials are on this webpage below.
Why Learn CS In Rural Kansas?
1. Read the article "Why Learn Computer Science (In Rural KS)?". Make note of career opportunities in rural Kansas
2. Classroom Discussion - What did you think of the article? Do you see a programming career as a possibility? Why or why not?
It is fine if you don't see yourself as a coder, but it is still a useful skill to learn! More industries are expecting employees to use Computer Science skills, even if they are not programmers.
Computational Thinking
Computational Thinking is a useful tool in programming that helps us think about how we write programs. Go through the Slides or Video below to learn more.
After viewing the presentation, create a Graphic Organizer for each of the 6 main vocabulary words relating to Computational Thinking. A template for the graphic organizer can be found here.
Make an Algorithm Flow Chart
Now, practice making an algorithm flow chart, using the examples from the sideshow as a guide. Create a flow chart applicable to your life. It can be how you decide to get dressed in the morning, how you decide what to eat for breakfast, or any other decision you make often.
Include at least 3 decisions in your flow chart, with appropriate inputs/outputs and actions or processes.
You may draw the flow chart using (instructions here) or using a paper and pencil. Use different shapes to denote the different steps, like in the example above.
Full assignment Google Doc here.
This lesson plan was reproduced and revised from the Ag-ACS NSF Program, published at AAERO, Ltd. The CC-BY-SA license also applies to this revision. A full list of revisions:
- Added the starter discussion based on the article written by the Rural Education Center.
- Added graphic organizer (produced by Kevin Colle) to the short lecture/video section.
- Produced and added the algorithm flow chart activity.
- Created the KSU Lesson Plan Template to accompany this lesson.