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Student Programs and Involvement

Sport club organizations

The primary purpose of the Sport Club Program is to provide opportunities for students to pursue a recreational/athletic interest. The focus of the Sport Club Program combines the aspects of learning new skills, practicing with fellow participants, competing with other clubs, and developing leadership skills.

A registered sport club is a student organization registered with the Center for Student Involvement that has been voluntarily formed by students motivated by a common interest and desire to participate and compete in a particular sport. It exists to promote and develop interest in that activity. Its members learn new skills, refine existing skills, engage in competition, and enjoy the recreational and social fellowship of the activity. The club is led by student officers and succeeds or fails based on student leadership and involvement. Each member must assume the great majority of the financial responsibilities required to participate. 

Requirements for Being a Sport Club 

  • Clubs must register with the Center for Student Involvement to become an officially registered club at Kansas State University. 
  • Sport Clubs may be independent or departmental student organizations if a university unit agrees to sponsor the club.
  • The Center for Student Involvement will determine if a club becomes a sport club based on the following criteria: 
    • Club must compete against other clubs and universities 
    • Club must be affiliated with a national governing sporting association. 

Questions about an organization's status should be directed to the Center for Student Involvement at 785-532-6541.

Sport Club Allocations

Groups may request to receive an allocation from the sport club council. Independent student organizations will be required to sign an agreement and then receive the check for the agreed upon amount. Departmental student organizations will continue to have the amount transferred into a university account where it may be accessed by the sponsoring department business staff.

Contact the Center for Student Involvement to schedule a time for your organization to pick up approved allocation checks. Three members of your organization will be required to sign the agreement to pick up a check. This is for your club’s own protection to ensure that one member doesn’t walk away with the check.  Please be sure to that all three members can make the scheduled time.

Only groups that have completed the registration and ISO/DSO designation may pick up their checks.  If you have any questions about completing the process please contact the Center for Student Involvement at 785-532-6541.