Meet Willie, Your AI Virtual Assistant!
Texting with Willie? That's right: Willie the Wildcat has gone virtual! As a first-year, degree-seeking student, you can now text K-State's AI-based virtual assistant, Willie, anytime for help with campus resources and info. From late-night questions or quick check-ins between classes, Willie is available 24/7.
Willie will check in with you during the semester, but you don't have to wait to get your questions answered. Text 1-888-619-9839 anytime or reply to Willie's welcome message to get started. (Pro tip: save that number to your contacts so help is always at your fingertips!)
Why Willie?

At K-State, we're committed to helping all students access the resources they need to succeed. Text Willie to answer your questions about campus life or get connected to additional support in:
- Academics
- Finances
- Student Life
- Health and Well-being
- And more!
From questions like "How do I apply for scholarships?" to "What are Lafene CAPSs hours?", Willie has your back. You'll get answers immediately - no lines or appointments needed.
Any information you provide to Willie can be used by K-State to help you succeed and by EdSights as permitted by its privacy policy.
Willie Checks In
Willie will get in with you periodically to understand how you are doing and if you are facing any challenges throughout the semester. Based on your response, Willie will connect you with information, resources, or staff available to help.
Frequently Asked Questions
Want to talk to a human?
If you have questions about our virtual assistant, Willie, please contact Academic and Career Engagement.