TLC Bi-Weekly Newsletter for Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
Good morning, K-Staters!
We are now in Week 9 of the Spring 2025 semester! The Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) would like to remind you of our commitment to support your efforts in teaching, mentoring, and advising. We are excited to announce the various priorities, events, and resources that are designed to advance teaching and learning at K-State. This video explains what the TLC can do for you.
TLC Programs & Events
Our Professional Development (PD) Series occurs on Wednesdays at 12 noon via Zoom. All events are free, and no registration is required. The schedule is posted on the Upcoming Events page of our website and on our social media: Facebook, and YouTube.
- Instead of our PD Series, attend the AI & Higher Ed workshop by a Microsoft Strategist on March 26 (12-12:50 PM) in Hale 181 or via Teams—See the K-State Today announcement for this event.
- On Wednesday, April 2, Cydney Alexis and Theresa Merrick Cassidy will lead an event on AI & Online Writing Assignments.
- On Wednesday, April 9, JT Laverty will lead an event titled, “Engaging Students as a Catalyst for Improving Courses: The KSU Learning Assistant Program.”
Also, if you are interested in earning a PD Certificate or becoming a TLC Fellow for this academic year, check out the requirements on our website.
Our Instructional Design Team has several upcoming opportunities for you to receive support for your classes:
- Instructional Design experts host office hours via Zoom on Tuesdays 1:30 - 2:30 pm and Wednesdays from 2 - 3 pm:
- There will be a series of virtual events on accessibility through the rest of the academic year. The next event will be “Write it Right: Accessible Writing for the Digital Age” on March 31 from 12:30 – 1 pm and April 1 from 10:30 – 11:30am.
- Instructional Design experts host office hours via Zoom on Tuesdays 1:30 - 2:30 pm and Wednesdays from 2 - 3 pm:
Wakonse Fellows Program: Wakonse is an organization of individuals dedicated to promoting and sharing with colleagues the excitement and satisfaction of teaching in higher education. The Wakonse Fellowship brings together faculty, teaching and learning professionals from postsecondary institutions who recognize and are devoted to the inspirational aspect of the teaching and learning process. If you are interested in applying for funding for the May 23 – 28, 2025 conference, please check out the requirements on our website and submit your application materials by April 1.
SOTL Showcase: Our 4th annual Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SOTL) Showcase will be held on Monday, May 12, 2025 from 1:30-4:30pm in Hale Library 581. This is event provides a platform for K-State instructors to share their research related to teaching and/or learning. If you are interested in presenting at this event, please fill out this Qualtrics form by Friday, April 11.
OCDI: The Online Course Design Institute is accepting registrants for the Summer session, which starts May 27, 2025. Click the link to learn more about this free, asynchronous, online training for K-State online teachers. If you have additional questions, please email the ID Team at
Set Up Your TEVAL Before May 9
The deadline to create an online TEVAL is May 9, and the last day to offer TEVALs to students is May 16. After grades are released, reports will be available in Canvas for primary instructors.
As outlined in the University Handbook (Section C34), student feedback on classroom instruction plays a vital role in evaluating teaching effectiveness. Faculty members, including professors, instructors, graduate teaching assistants, and adjuncts, must collect feedback for each course they teach.
Faculty are responsible for setting up their TEVALs, which can be accessed via TEVAL system using an eID and password or through the Canvas Profile. The TLC has created a video to guide students on providing effective feedback and another resource to help faculty set up TEVALs in Canvas. Note that the TEVAL link has moved to the Canvas Profile section.

To encourage student participation, faculty teaching in-person courses should allocate class time for students to complete TEVALs using phones, tablets, or laptops. For more information, contact the TLC at 785-532-7828 or
Engage the Sage Videos to Support Excellent Teaching
We would like to remind you of several video resources as part of Dr. Don Saucier’s YouTube channel, Engage the Sage, that are particularly relevant for the middle of the semester:
Thank You
We are grateful for your continued support of your students and colleagues and hope you take advantage of the resources available to you at K-State, including us at the TLC, throughout the upcoming semester. Thank you for all you do for your colleagues and our students. And thank you for advancing K-State’s teaching and learning mission with energy and optimism.