February 12, 2025
Reminder and topic update: Feb. 13 open forum with President Linton
As announced in K-State Today on Monday, Kansas State University Faculty Senate and the Office of the President invite you to the first spring 2025 open forum on Feb. 13, starting at 3:30 p.m. in the K-State Alumni Center.
Given the evolving federal government transition, we have made the decision to shift our topic for this open forum to updates and guidance during this transition time. Attendees will receive a federal and state legislative update and an update from federal transition task force leaders regarding the latest actions and implications that they are tracking in real time.
We will continue to work with President Linton and university leadership to provide a future opportunity to hear more about our previously planned topic for this open forum, the administrative structure at K-State and changes in that structure that have occurred since President Linton arrived at the university.
The open forum will provide an opportunity to interact with President Linton, Provost Mendez and various members of the President's Cabinet using a Q&A format. In-person attendance is encouraged; please bring your questions. The event will be streamed live for those unable to attend in person. Please visit the president's communication page to view the stream. A K-State eID and password will be required. If you are already signed in to K-State webmail, etc., you will not be asked to sign in again.
Kansas State University is committed to providing equal access opportunity and reasonable accommodation to campus programs and services for faculty, staff and students. If you require accommodation to view or hear a video live stream or archive, please submit a request for accommodation. Faculty and staff should request accommodation through Human Resources.
If you have a question and will be unable to attend either in person or virtually, please send your question via email to Susanne Renberg at srenberg@k-state.edu prior to the event, and it will be asked as time permits.
Don’t forget: A second open forum is being planned for April 17, so mark your calendars for that date as well.
We look forward to having you with us.
Teresa Douthit,
Faculty Senate president