March 12, 2025
University steering committee established to develop, integrate applied learning experiences
Submitted by Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President
Dear colleagues,
We are committed as a university to deepen and expand students’ real-time, real-world learning, delivering an unmatched, impactful student experience. Specifically, Imperative 3 of our Next-Gen Strategic Plan states that by 2030, every degree-seeking student will complete an applied learning experience (mandatory for undergraduates), fulfilling K-State’s commitment to prepare students for life beyond K-State.
In the past year, under the leadership of Dean Mary Tolar, we have done the foundational work of defining applied learning, initiating inventory, and building capacity. Dr. Craig Schroeder joined K-State as the inaugural Julie and Roger Davis executive director for applied learning in the fall and a “One K-State" strategic investment and transformational philanthropic gifts have positioned us to accelerate our efforts in exciting ways.
To achieve our bold goal of taking applied learning to scale, we must engage academic partners across the university to integrate applied learning experiences, or ALE, into the student experience. We must provide support and structure, develop and institute policies and procedures, and establish tracking and reporting mechanisms. We must also promote the value of these experiences with our students, university colleagues, and partners in communities and workplaces across the state and beyond.
Today I announce the formation of the Applied Learning Experiences University Steering Committee. This group is charged with guiding the universitywide, multi-year effort to drive progress on our Next-Gen K-State strategic imperative to provide all learners with applied learning opportunities.
The group will advance work two key priority areas:
1. Universitywide Policies, Processes and Systems: This will include co-developing and advancing policies, systems and processes that will be used by learners, faculty and administration to clarify expectations for student participation, identify ALE opportunities, monitor and report, and integrate with current institutional reporting and student-facing data systems.
2. Instructional and Implementation Support: This will include co-designing support for learners, faculty and departments/programs engaging with ALE through the development of grant opportunities, cohorts, teaching and learning workshops and guidance documents.
ALE University Steering Committee members include:
• Mary Tolar, dean, Staley School of Leadership, co-chair
• Craig Schroeder, Julie and Roger Davis executive director for applied learning, co-chair
• Karen Goos, vice provost, enrollment management, Office of the Provost
• Kevin Gwinner, dean, College of Business Administration
• Katie Kingery-Page, associate dean, College of Architecture, Planning and Design
• Sara Luly, director, University Honors Program, faculty senate president-elect
• Margaret Mohr-Schroeder, vice provost, academic affairs and innovation, Office of the Provost
• Dan Moser, associate dean, College of Agriculture
• Jack O’Malley, senior in management
• Joseph Pondillo, senior in political science
• Phillip Payne, associate dean, Graduate School
• Brad Regier, associate director, learning assessment, Data, Assessment, and Institutional Research
• Darrin Smith, associate dean, K-State Olathe
• Alysia Starkey, dean and CEO, K-State Salina
• Tim Steffensmeier, assistant vice president and director of engagement and outreach, Office of Engagement
• Bill Watts, associate vice president, academic and career engagement, Division of Academic Success and Student Affairs
I thank the steering committee members for their commitment to making applied learning a true differentiator for our K-State students. The success of this committee will depend on broadly engaging students, the university advising community, shared governance, academic leadership and other key stakeholders in the work. Collective effort across the university and with community and industry partners will get us to our goal.
Kansas State University students will be ready, more than ever, for the many opportunities that lie ahead.
Go 'Cats!
Jesse Perez Mendez
Provost and executive vice president