July 8, 2014
K-State faculty, students receive honors and give presentations at national conference
Six K-State faculty and students received awards for teaching excellence at the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture annual conference June 25-28 hosted by Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana.
Nathan Nelson, agronomy; and David Grieger, Joann Kouba, and John Unruh, all from animal sciences and industry, received the organization's Teacher Fellow Award. Bryson Haverkamp and Kim Kerschen, graduate teaching assistants in agronomy, received the the organization's Graduate Student Teaching Award.
North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture is an organization dedicated to advancing the scholarship of teaching and learning in agricultural, environmental, natural and life sciences. The annual conference includes poster, oral and workshop presentations focused on research related to both classroom and experiential learning. Also included were tours that focused on agriculture and natural resources in the area.
K-State community members attending the conference and giving teaching and learning presentations included Greg Davis, horticulture, forestry and recreation resources; Hulya Dogan, grain science and industry; Kevin Donnelly, agronomy; Steve Keeley, horticulture, forestry and recreation resources; Chad Miller, horticulture, forestry and recreation resources; Scott Schaake, animal sciences and industry; John Unruh, animal sciences and industry; Angela Vesco, animal sciences and industry; and Jeff Williams, agricultural economics.