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  4. »Higher Learning Commission Self-Study draft ready for campuswide review

K-State Today

November 21, 2011

Higher Learning Commission Self-Study draft ready for campuswide review

Submitted by Communications and Marketing

The Self-Study for the Higher Learning Commission on the Continuing Accreditation for Kansas State University is now available for review by all university staff and faculty. 

The university is seeking continued reaccreditation from the Higher Learning Commission for an additional 10 years. The self-study report reflects the work of more than 100 people from the K-State community. The final draft will be submitted in February to the Higher Learning Commission in preparation for the April 9-11, 2012, reaccreditation evaluation team visit.

The Self-Study Steering committee seeks feedback on the report to ensure it accurately portrays K-State's activities over the past 10 years. Faculty and staff are invited to read the full report or individual chapters, and submit feedback on any necessary corrections or omissions.   

Review a draft of the report here.

Feedback can be submitted until Dec. 16 through the same webpage. Everyone's input is welcomed. 

Submitted by Communications and Marketing, 532-2535, vpcm@k-state.edu

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