February 25, 2015
America Saves Week: Manage your paycheck
Submitted by Human Capital Services Benefits
America Saves Week is a great time to think about your personal savings. Did you know that employees can split their paycheck into multiple bank accounts, making it easier to save money each paycheck?
All employees have the ability to manage their direct deposit bank accounts. An employee may have a certain percentage or dollar amount go first to a savings account or checking account to help with biweekly savings. To manage your direct deposit preferences, log into HRIS/Employee Self Service with your eID and password. Then follow the path: Employee Self Service> Payroll and Compensation> Direct Deposit. To make changes, employees will need to have both the routing number and account number for the bank account for the deposit to be made. For step by step instructions, please see the Direct Deposit instructions under "Pay" on the Human Capital Services website.
It's not too late to sign up for the Financial Wellness Workshop offered this week by Human Capital Services in conjunction with TIAA-CREF. Equally Prepared is offered at 6 p.m. Feb. 25 and is designed to help employees build practical budgeting and debt management skills to start saving for retirement and their loved ones. Register today!