February 6, 2012
Free HealthQuest screenings
Don’t delay! Sign up for a free health-screening appointment on the days listed below. A health screening is necessary to complete the health assessment, both of which are required activities to be eligible for discounted premiums on health insurance. These free screenings are one of three ways to get your biometric information, with the other two choices a home test or visit to your physician. Your Health Screening and Assessment must be completed by July 31.
Upcoming dates at Kansas State University, Room 212 K-State Student union
Tuesday, March 13 – Deadline to sign up is March 8 at midnight
Wednesday, March 14 – Deadline to sign up is March 9 at midnight
Thursday, March 15 – Deadline to sign up is March 12 at midnight
Friday, March 16 – Deadline to sign up is March 13 at midnight
Tuesday, May 8 – Deadline to sign up is May 3 at midnight
Wednesday, May 9 – Deadline to sign up is May 4 at midnight
Thursday, May 10 – Deadline to sign up is May 5 at midnight
Friday, May 11 – Deadline to sign up is May 6 at midnight
To get an appointment:
Register online: Log in to your account (or register one if you do not have an account) on the wellness portal at www.KansasHealthQuest.com and click on “Health Screenings” from the left menu and then select “Onsite Screenings.”
By phone: If you do not have internet access, please call toll-free 1-888-275-1205 and select option 5 for assistance making an appointment.
Remember, you must earn 20 points by July 31, to be eligible for the reduced premium on health insurance for 2013. The health screening and assessment are worth 5 points each – these 10 points cannot be earned in any way other than receiving a health screening at home, through your physician or at one of the free screenings above AND completing the self-assessment on the Health Quest Portal. Complete information on this portion of the requirement is available on the Health Screening Website.