February 2, 2016
Legislative update Feb. 1
On Jan. 27, Kirk Schulz appeared before the House of Representatives Vision 2020 to provide an overview of K-State. The committee held hearings and will discuss potential policy changes, which can assist higher education in the Kansas Legislature. The testimony focused on K-State 2025, student success profile and research activity and accomplishments. Schulz's presentation can be found on the Governmental Relations' website. Also the Topeka Capital Journal's article on the presentation can be obtained here.
This week the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Ways and Means Committee will have hearings and review budget changes for fiscal year 2016 to make the adjustments the governor proposed for the current year's budget. These discussions will occur after the January 2016 revenue estimates are announced by the administration on Feb. 1.
Also this week, Blake Flanders will present the newly launched university degree prospectus at the House Education Committee on Thursday, Feb. 4. These prospectus help families and students review degree programs and learn about potential job opportunities in a chosen field. Legislators have asked for the universities to provide a total picture to students as they choose an institution and field of study.
Finally, Ron Trewyn has been asked to testify to the House Committee on Commerce, Labor, and Economic Development on the economic development potential of the National Bio and Agro-defense Facility. This testimony will be presented Thursday, Feb. 4.
Weekly updates will be posted in K-State Today on Tuesday. If you would like to receive a listing of bills introduced in the Kansas Legislature impacting Kansas State University, higher education and state agencies please send an email request to kstategr@k-state.edu.