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K-State Today

March 8, 2016

College of Human Ecology is StrengthsQuest Partner of the Year

Submitted by Jessica Arnold

College of HE

Strengths week was Feb. 29-March 4 on the Manhattan campus. Multiple activities and presentations were facilitated for students to help them get a better feel for how to use their top five strengths, as noted by Gallup's Strengthsfinder assessment.

A strengths reception honored the College of Human Ecology as the StrengthsQuest Partner of the Year on Thursday, March 3. This year alone, strengths facilitations have reached almost 700 students in classrooms in the college. Strengths is a common language in the college as all faculty and staff have taken the StrengthsFinder Assessment. Strengths discussions happen widely from freshmen to senior level classes and in multiple collegewide organizations.

This year, the apparel, textiles and interior design department's annual student symposium is focused on "Your Strengths: Your Future" and will include a free keynote session from Shane Lopez, a senior scientist for Gallup.

For more information on the K-State StrengthsQuest campus initiative, please visit k-state.edu/strengthsquest. 

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