March 17, 2016
2016 Faculty and Professional Staff Retiree Ceremony and Reception
Faculty Senate invites you to attend the 2016 Faculty and Professional Staff Retiree Ceremony at 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 19, at the K-State Alumni Center. This is a time to recognize, honor and celebrate those faculty and professional staff who have contributed to the success of Kansas State University during their careers here.
The following individuals are on the program this year:
- Lynette Hoffman, College of Agriculture dean's office and director of AES
- Rhonda Janke, horticulture, forestry and recreation resources
- Gregory LeValley, communications and agricultural education
- James Marsden, animal sciences and industry
- John Reese, entomology
- Vernon Schaffer, agronomy
- Peggy Shaw McBee, horticulture, forestry and recreation resources
- Richard Umscheid, grain science and industry
- John Unruh, animal sciences and industry
- Teresa Weixelman, agricultural economics
- Charisse West, College of Agriculture dean's office and director of AES
- Nancy Zimmerli-Cates, communications and agricultural education
Architecture, Planning & Design
- Allan Hastings, interior architecture and product design
- G. Rebecca Stark, architecture
Arts and Sciences
- Allen Archer, geology
- Kevin Blake, geography
- Torry Dickinson, women's studies
- Marvin Gould, art
- Ramaswamy Krishnamoorthi, biochemistry and molecular biophysics
- Gary Mortenson, music, theatre, and dance
- Richard Marston, geography
- Leigh Murray, statistics
- Bonnie Nelson, English
- David Ollington, music, theatre, and dance
- Maria Paukstelis, chemistry
- Charles Reagan, philosophy
- Dean Zollman, physics
- Lynda Bachelor, Staley School of Leadership Studies
- Melisa Hancock, curriculum and instruction
- Michael Holen, College of Education dean's office
- JohnElla Holmes, special education, counseling, and student affairs
- Virginia Mixer, College of Education dean's office
- Rosemary Talab, curriculum and instruction
- Philip Barnes, biological and agricultural engineering
- Roderic Elder, architectural engineering and construction science
- Susan Gerth, civil engineering
- Larry Glasgow, chemical engineering
- Thomas Logan, architectural engineering and construction science
- J. Garth Thompson, mechanical and nuclear engineering
General Administration
- R. Douglas Ackley, Division of Financial Services
- Myles Alexander, Center for Engagement and Community Development
- Mark Brown-Barnett, Lafene Health Center
- Donna Davis, international programs
- Abdullah Fattaey, campus planning and facilities management
- Myra Gordon, Office of Diversity
- Jerry Jaax, university research compliance
- Roger Johnson, athletics
- Judith Lynch, education and personal development
- Michael Lynch, education and personal development
- Edward Rice, facilities building maintenance
- Gloria Robertson, Information Technology Assistance Center
- Kenneth Stafford, information technology services
- Jack Thoman, K-State Student Union
- Kathryn Tilley, Research and Sponsored Programs
- William Wisdom, K-State Student Union
- John Woods, facilities custodial services
- Kathryn Zarka, education and personal development
Human Ecology
- Katharine Grunewald, food, nutrition, dietetics and health
- Debby Hiett, College of Human Ecology dean's office
- Jane Marshall, College of Human Ecology dean's office
- Mary Meck Higgins, food, nutrition, dietetics and health
- Susan Meier, family studies and human services
- Kimmi Misenhelter, family studies and human services
- Phyllis Jeannie Sneed, hospitality management
K-State Libraries
- Janice Barrons, content development and acquisitions
- Martin Courtois, Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship
- Lisa Loberg, library user services
- Elizabeth Turtle, Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship
- Daryl Youngman, academic services
- Joan Leavens, program coordinator, Urban Water Institute
Research and Extension
- Robert Bauernfeind, entomology
- Elizabeth Curry, Northwest area
- Martha Flanagan, Cherokee County
- Diann Gerstner, Thomas County
- Susan Jackson, Harvey County
- Janice McMahon, Sedgwick County
- Jim Mengarelli, Wildcat Extension District
- Linda Mirt, Sumner County
- James Pat Murphy, agriculture and natural resources
Technology and Aviation, K-State Polytechnic
- Leslie Kinsler, engineering technology
- David Norlin, arts, science and business
- Dixie Schierlman, student services
Veterinary Medicine
- Bradley DeBey, Veterinary Diagnostic Lab
- Roger Fingland, Veterinary Health Center
- Richard Oberst, Veterinary Diagnostic Lab
- Donna Springer, College of Veterinary Medicine dean's office