July 25, 2016
Student Success Collaborative Campus implementation update
K-State faculty and staff have been working during the summer to implement Student Success Collaborative, or SSC, Campus, a student success software which is widely used around the country. Progress has been such that on Monday, Aug. 8, we expect to begin piloting five major tutoring centers:
- K-State Athletics
- Student Life's new "Holtz Hall" — includes Global Campus, Educational Supportive Services, and Housing and Dining tutoring
- The Writing Center
- College of Engineering Academic Peer Mentoring Program
- K-State Polytechnic.
The initial SSC Campus rollout aims to improve student services, streamline tutoring processes, and link tutors and tutoring centers to the wider academic community. SSC Campus complements the past two years of KSIS Advisor Center upgrades, placing state-of-the-art tools in the hands of faculty, advisors, student life professionals, tutors, dean's offices and others whose work directly contributes to undergraduate student learning and to undergraduate academic success.
In addition to the tutoring centers, academic advisors who currently access SSC Foundation will soon have access to SSC Campus from the KSIS Advisor Center. The academic advising community will be invited to engage more fully in the implementation of SSC Campus in the near future.
Many deserve thanks for their support of this effort, none more so than Diana Blake, Information Technology Services, and Brad Cunningham, College of Business Administration, whose contributions are essential. We also thank the Information Technology Services staff generally, including Paul Abitz, and the pilot tutoring centers, K-State Athletics, which have been testing and using the software for several months. Thanks are due to the entire tutoring team, whose work, often involved and time-intensive, is a terrific example of helpful academic and student affairs collaboration.
As we continue to the next phase of SSC Campus implementation, look for additional information, updates and opportunities for orientation, peer training and access to this powerful analytical student success system.
For more information, please contact Steve Dandaneau at 785-532-1097 or dandaneau@k-state.edu.