September 19, 2016
Watson Analytics seminar offered Sept. 27
The College of Business Administration and the Beef Cattle Institute will host a workshop on IBM's Watson Analytics academic program from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27, in the Kansas Department of Agriculture building at 1320 Research Park Drive. Researchers in any discipline who analyze big data or are interested in new ways of visualizing the results of their research may attend.
Watson Analytics is a data analysis and visualization service that uses the IBM Watson platform and features the same natural language dialog with additional features such as guided data discovery, automated predictive analytics and cognitive capabilities. This service is free for faculty and students when used for educational and noncommercial research purposes.
The workshop will consist of three parts: the first hour will offer a capability demonstration, the second hour will provide more detail and open the floor to questions, and the third hour will wrap up and provide a product road map. You are free to attend all or any part of the workshop.
Contact Wendy Michaels at the Beef Cattle Institute at 785-564-7463 or to reserve your seat. If you would like to attend but are unable to, notify Michaels for webinar information.
Time will be available for IBM to provide additional on-site training at no charge.