October 12, 2016
Movement Challenge Champions announced
Submitted by Human Capital Services - Benefits
The second Movement Challenge for Kansas State University ended Oct. 1. On Aug. 21, your K-State family embarked on a six-week challenge to find daily ways to be active, increase activity levels and to compete departmentally to be the Movement Challenge champions. This year had a 38 percent participation increase from the 2015 challenge, with 897 K-State employees participating.
As a group, Movement Challenge participants walked, moved, exercised and were active an equivalent of 251,178,726 steps. That is 125,589 miles and a total of five times around the earth. Last year we moved around the earth three times. That increase and progress is worth celebrating!
The 2016 competition was threefold. K-State departments participated for the title of most active department and highest participation. Individuals also competed to be the most active K-Stater.
And now, for the final results…
2016 Movement Challenge Department Champions
2016 Movement Challenge Department Participation Champions
2016 Movement Challenge Individual Leaderboard
Participants who participated each week were entered into a randomized drawing. If you participated all six weeks, you were entered six times into the drawing. To see the complete list of winners, visit the #PurpleIsProgress website.
Also, see the #PurpleIsProgress website for a listing of top 20 departments and top 50 individual leaderboards.
There is still time to give feedback on the 2016 Movement Challenge. Complete the survey and help us make improvements for next year.