November 15, 2016
K-State Peace Corps hosting storytelling event today
Join the K-State Peace Corps from noon to 1 p.m. Nov. 15 in the Berney Family Welcome Center Theatre for a Pecha Kucha-style image-based storytelling event. Snacks will be provided.
Speakers include Elizabeth Bittiker, senior in therapy student, clinical job shadowing in Botswana; Stephanie McCutcheon, doctoral candidate and Center for Intercultural and Multilingual Advocacy, World Teach in the Marshall Islands; Zain Iqbal, instructor, Hale Library user services and returned Peace Corps volunteer-Uzbekistan; Brad McDonald, international student advisor and returned Peace Corps volunteer-Albania; Erica Sponberg, doctoral student in curriculum and instruction, Teaching English-Japan; and Stewart Guderian, Peace Corps recruiter and returned Peace Corps volunteer-Cambodia.