December 8, 2016
Register now for 'Teaching Critical Thinking' event on Jan. 27
Did you know critical thinking is one of the five student learning objectives K-State students, upon graduation and regardless of their major, should be able to demonstrate effectively? Would you like to know more about what critical thinking includes, and how to teach it effectively in your courses within your own discipline? The Teaching and Learning Center has an offer for you!
Register now for the Faculty Exchange for Teaching Excellence mid-year workshop, "Teaching Critical Thinking to College Students within the Logic of One's Own Discipline."
Gerald Nosich, a nationally recognized expert in this field, will share his knowledge and research and take us through a variety of engagement exercises to help us be more effective teachers of critical thinking.
The workshop will start at 8:30 a.m. Friday, Jan. 27, at the K-State Alumni Center with Varsity Donuts and coffee. This is a great time to meet and visit with colleagues from across campus. A series of interactive events designed to help us understand the complexity of teaching critical thinking within our own classes will follow.
Participants will break for a Cox Bros. BBQ lunch and return for afternoon sessions, ending at 4 p.m.