April 20, 2012
Geology, civil engineering faculty and graduate student present at national symposium
Abdlmoneam Raef, assistant professor of geology; Asad Esmaeily, associate professor of civil engineering; and Amelia Fader, master’s student in geology, presented at the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, March 25-29, in Tucson, Ariz. The group’s presentation was titled “Integration of Downhole Acoustic Televiewer Imaging, Ultrasonic Laboratory Shear Waves Velocity Measurements and Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves for Geotechnical Site Characterization: Riley and Douglas Counties Sites, Kansas, USA.”
Their paper addressed the utility of surface and down-hole geophysical methods in enabling in situ characterization of shear waves in near surface rocks and sediment. This research is funded by the Kansas Department of Transportation, KTRAN-KSU-11-7.