May 3, 2012
Winners announced for the 2012 President's Award of Excellence for Unclassified Professionals
Four staff members are receiving the 2012 President’s Award of Excellence for Unclassified Professionals. Each winner receives a $1,000 award and recognition at a reception hosted by President Schulz.
Today we spotlight the recipient of the Leadership Award, Tim Sobering, director of the Electronics Design Laboratory in the office of vice president for research. He was nominated by Ron Trewyn, vice president for research, and James Guikema, associate vice president for research.
Sobering facilitates the scholarly activity of K-State faculty members by providing services to design and build advanced equipment that allows a great many research groups to effectively compete in the scientific world. Because of the Electronics Design Laboratory, departments at K-State do not have to invest in expensive equipment and recruit or develop the local expertise to support the electronics and instrumentation needs of their teaching and research.
Sobering focuses on the Electronics Design Laboratory mission that is highly linked to K-State 2025, and his unit performs. His collaborative work directly resulted in a project so successful that it earned a national award. Electronics Design Laboratory leadership, integrated with the faculty expertise, was the tipping factor in receiving the award.
Sobering integrates students into most of the projects that he and his team engage, thus providing leadership in the training of future electrical engineers. He leads the Electronics Design Laboratory by example and his employees, follow that example. Under his leadership, the Electronics Design Laboratory is growing and evolving. He succeeds in retaining his excellent staff by rewarding them with a very high quality work environment based on mutual respect and the necessary job flexibility to accommodate their individual strengths and situations.