August 23, 2017
Thanks for making move-in day a success
The Department of Housing and Dining Services would like to thank the many staff, faculty, students and community members who helped support a successful opening week.
During move-in, more than 300 volunteers from community groups, student organizations, and campus offices and departments helped students move into the residence halls and Jardine Apartments. Student organizations who provided volunteers include Christian Challenge, Farmhouse, the K-State chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers, Omega Psi Phi and Student Mobilization.
Campus colleges, offices and departments were represented by volunteers from the Academic Achievement Center and Academic Coaching; Center for Intercultural and Multilingual Advocacy; College of Business Administration; College of Education; College of Human Ecology; Educational Supportive Services; food, nutrition, dietetics and health; Information Technology Services/Information Systems Office; Lafene Health Center; geology; Office of Student Life; Student Financial Assistance; and wildlife and outdoor enterprise management.
Members of the Manhattan community who contributed were Crosspoint Manhattan, First Presbyterian Church, Grace Baptist Church, Reformed University Fellowship and St. Isadore's Catholic Student Center.
Housing and Dining Services also thanks the K-State Police Department, who provided traffic control during the two primary move-in days. Their assistance was critical for a smooth process.
As always, the annual pancake feed was a great way to kick off the school year. We thank the K-State Division of Facilities and the K-State Alumni Center for their help with the event.
Finally, the department recognizes Hy-Vee and Walmart — who provided carts for move-in — and Papa John's Pizza and Jimmy John's for their generous donations.